Race matters and unlike Stephen Miller and what he thinks. white lives have had the edge forever and most likely will forever. And yes, thank you Joe Biden for nominating this woman to the Supreme Court.
Race matters and unlike Stephen Miller and what he thinks. white lives have had the edge forever and most likely will forever. And yes, thank you Joe Biden for nominating this woman to the Supreme Court.
I graduated from a High School in Northern California in 1979. Our school was racially integrated and never was race an issue that was detrimental nor deciding in any our out educational endeavors. Mind you there were many academically gifted classmate as well as athletic and artistic scholarship winners to colleges around the country. I personally went to a vocational school for Electrical Engineering. Im making more money not in my 60’s that I’ve ever made in my life and never received a college degree. People are making a mountain out of a molehill! Just like the while political climate making people fear a made up threat to their well-being! People need to stop and take a big deep-ass breath!
Jesse, keep listening to other people's stories and experiences. Hear what they are saying. I wonder if all of your classmates would say the same. I doubt it. For far too long we've devalued and mistreated entire groups of people. We must do better. Listening and believing people who's experience is different than our own is a great place to start.
sorry but I know a man who had a knee on his neck who would have loved to have taken a deep breath. Race in this country is real. Maybe not for you, maybe not in your very diverse Northern California school. I am very happy for you and your school. But race and inequality are very much alive in the rest of this country. Let's all take a deep breath and start working towards equality for ALL. Stated by a white American man who lives in Northern California.
Race matters and unlike Stephen Miller and what he thinks. white lives have had the edge forever and most likely will forever. And yes, thank you Joe Biden for nominating this woman to the Supreme Court.
I graduated from a High School in Northern California in 1979. Our school was racially integrated and never was race an issue that was detrimental nor deciding in any our out educational endeavors. Mind you there were many academically gifted classmate as well as athletic and artistic scholarship winners to colleges around the country. I personally went to a vocational school for Electrical Engineering. Im making more money not in my 60’s that I’ve ever made in my life and never received a college degree. People are making a mountain out of a molehill! Just like the while political climate making people fear a made up threat to their well-being! People need to stop and take a big deep-ass breath!
Jesse, keep listening to other people's stories and experiences. Hear what they are saying. I wonder if all of your classmates would say the same. I doubt it. For far too long we've devalued and mistreated entire groups of people. We must do better. Listening and believing people who's experience is different than our own is a great place to start.
sorry but I know a man who had a knee on his neck who would have loved to have taken a deep breath. Race in this country is real. Maybe not for you, maybe not in your very diverse Northern California school. I am very happy for you and your school. But race and inequality are very much alive in the rest of this country. Let's all take a deep breath and start working towards equality for ALL. Stated by a white American man who lives in Northern California.
What Steve said, except I'm a POC from VA.
Well said Steve.
Agreed. Too tired this evening to say more.