That sorry SOB wouldn't know honor if it walked up and bit him on his fat ass.

I hope this blows up sky high in his ugly orange mug.

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Tell me again why any current or retired military person would support this absolute disaster of a "human being"?

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I honestly cannot fathom how anyone in or associated with the military can support Trump. I am a veteran, he makes me sick.

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Cathy please tell all of your friends you served with how you feel and ask them how they could support him as commander-in-chief, if they do.

This self centered Child in an overweight body is such a disgrace to our country and everything in human morals and dignity. He is a throwback to his Nazi father

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DonOLD comes from a long line of draft dodgers. His grandfather fled Germany to avoid being drafted into the Imperial Army. In America, he ran a brothel. DonOLD is a chip off the OLD block.

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The only member of the Trump family is America with any military service is Fred Trump Jr., DonOLD's older brother, who served in the New York National Guard and was regularly verbally abused by his father and FatBoi for doing so. He died at age 42.

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Absolutely do and will continue to share my beliefs! Sadly, I am met with a lot of apathy and frank ignorance of what we stand to lose as a country if tfg wins. Staggeringly scary..

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My stomach turns and my heart cries when I see "Vets for Trump" signs in our city.

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Me too, I do not understand it.

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I also do not understand why any vet would support Trump, or any woman, or any AFrican-American, or any Latino, or anyone with a grain of sense and half a grain of compassion.

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Agreed, Cathy, how can anyone in or associated with the military support that man.

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Or anyone who claims the title Christian.

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I honestly don’t know. I cannot wrap my head around that nearly half the country wants him elected. I do hope those numbers have changed. The Arlington Cemetery debacle will hopefully change that.

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Sometimes it's a "macho" thing.

We can thank Hollywood for that.

Just think about HOW they can't wrap their heads around the alternative...

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Looks like the families of the fallen support him... and asked him to be there.


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Maga, of coarse (course).

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CBS News!

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Who (other than MAGA) in their right mind would Invite Trump to a ceremony to honor their beloved family members? Especially, Veterans, whom gave their supreme sacrifice for our Nation. Whilst he has denigrated our Military, and Veterans. And attempted to destroy our Nation, its democracy and Constitution. Not to mention being an abject imbecile, and a convicted Felon.

Who? MAGA. That’s who.

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No, not the news. The families.

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Nothing Trump does will deter Republican voters. Or the Leonard Leo judiciary.

We must win on the merits of our candidates and turning out the vote in sufficient numbers to overwhelm GOP voter suppression schemes, the next Brooks Brothers riot and Trump insurrection, and Putin operative and Trump enabler Jill Stein.

Yes, we must budget some resources for the distraction and tedium of spotlighting Trump. But for the next months, it's GOTV for Democrats every day. Writing postcards, canvassing, texting, letters to the editor - whatever your local Democratic committees and campaign offices have. And groups like Field Team 6, Vote Forward, and Postcards to Voters.

*Your Group Here*




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Call them MAGAs, there are still many good Republicans that will not vote for him. As I just told my neighbor yesterday, we have 4 parties: Democrats, Republicans,Independents and Magas

And his disrespect knows no boundaries, he's truly despicable and has no business ever being near the White House again!

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I prefer to call them maggots!

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That's what I call them. Magats.

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"we have 4 parties: Democrats,

Republicans, Independents and Magas"

Trump has the Republican party - the entire Republican apparatus. MAGA is not a party. It is a slogan with adherents operating within the GOP. There is no daylight between MAGA and the GOP. Some Americans registered as Republicans may decide not to vote for Trump. Some have said publicly they will vote for the Democratic presidential ticket.

Independents, almost by definition, do not constitute a party.

There are actually a great many political parties in the USA.


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….. and hoping they VOTE BLUE!! Soooo much at risk if Trump wins. And especially concerned with counties/states playing with Electoral College, as before. I am reading that Democrats are well aware Repubs/MAGAS are working on manipulating this🙏🏻

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As far as I’m concerned, they are either trumplicans, or maga-nuts; they are not Republicans.

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Sorry, but is is EXTREMELY difficult to say we have a Republican Party, as we once knew it.

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Republican leaders in Congress listen to Trump and Maga vitriol. Why would you suggest that everyday Republicans would be any different?

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What is really sad is our paid by others Supreme Court are very biased and unethical and would approve felon Trumps actions at the Arlington Cemetery. We need to work together and fight to defend and protect our Constitution, Democracy, Rule of Law, Freedom, Equality for all, and the pursuit of Happiness.

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This is so true. Our Supreme Court is supposed to be the non partisan highest law of the land, but not today. I'm appalled at the decisions they are making, with total disregard to our constitution. Trump gets a pass on everything.

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"Trump gets a pass on everything"

And he acted like it at Arlington Cemetery. Him and his team coming into that sacred place and acting like a bunch of thugs.

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Bought and paid for. A criminal organization.

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Too late.

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The problem I have with this statement about Jill Stein is her support of the Palestinians and that she would do something about it. What about the Israelis? Who’s going to do something about that? The Palestinians allowed Hamas into their homes and communities to hide behind civilians, and have relentlessly gone after Israelis and attacking Israel. What about that? Who’s going to do something about that? Words matter! I am sick and tired of hearing about the poor Palestinians. They brought this on themselves and now they are paying the price. Read the history!

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Are you aware of what Israelis did to Palestinians living in what is now Israel in 1948?

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lin, I was with you until you dissed Jill Stein. She is NOT an orange enabler. She has her own platform, distinct from that of either the DNC or RNC. She's most sincere in her views, and always has been. She's against war; she supports the Palestinians (and would actually do something about it); she's for helping workers; and of course, she's for renewables and effective measures to mitigate climate change. Last I checked, independent parties were allowed in this country, and I can't fault someone who espouses humane, science-based views and isn’t beholden to Big Corp.

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Apparently the family that was with him does.

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But did they know his REAL reason for being there was a photo op and NOT REALLY to honor their loved one 😡!!

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EVERYONE! Puhleeze! Can you model compassion? Just a little bit?

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It sickens me to think that any would. Sadly, many do.

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You FOUGHT for democracy, NOW...

it's time to VOTE for democracy!!!

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I think Fox News running nonstop on military bases exacerbates the problem. Also, many of the members of the military are young men who tend to be more macho and believe the myth that tfg’s a strong man which Fox and the campaign push.

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As a veteran, I absolutely concur. I couldn’t avoid the Fox Propaganda Network at home, abroad, EVERYWHERE I served. I honestly decided NOT to make a career in the service as I was original contemplating, partly due to this drumbeat of bullshit celebrated and apparently mandated nearly universally in the US Armed Forces, FOX 7x24 everywhere. Grotesque vapid mind control attempts to stupefy our best citizens willing to provide the ultimate sacrifice for our Nation, is below reprehensible. It’s vulgar.

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Sadly, my son bought into the Fox stupidity while on active duty.

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This is why independent journalism, like what Dan's doing, is ESSENTIAL to democracy. A BIG part of this problem IMO is corporate and billionaire-owned news media. People can't make good voting decisions without good information. And when a person exerts control over what people see and what they don't see, they have control over the vote.

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Ignorance or choice to subsume one’s obvious higher ideals for lesser, base values.

Sadly, for far too many, it’s not ignorance, which can be assuaged with knowledge and information. It’s their CHOICE to abandon known higher principles for lesser, knowingly.

Who knows why. But that’s obviously largely the case. There can’t be 72 million people so ignorant. Only choosing to be so vile makes sense for the quantities of vulgarians.

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This former USCG reservist has not nor ever had a good opinion of that so-called man.

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It is more than perplexing. My older brother was a Green Beret in the 90s and he still supports this beast.

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No idea…

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As a proud veteran I have no idea. My relatives who are veterans think he's the best thing to ever happen to our country. I do not understand where their brains have gone.

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👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Hear friggin hear!!!

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Hang this pic in all the VFW's in the country!!!

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We can only hope! I have several relatives who were in the service, retired from the Navy, Air Force, etc. that still think Trump is wonderful! I think their brain cells are not working.

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Yeah and then use his face as a dart target!

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Apparently he understands it better than the current administration, because he showed up (per their request).



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Dearest Melissa,

I really, REALLY appreciate your sentiments. But please help us all to be DIFFERENT THAN Trump and, not try to sling his DIRT back at him. That's what he LIKES.

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Both my Dad and Step Dad were WWII veterans. My Dad received a Silver Star, my Step Dad was a gunner. During a dog fight their plane was hit and their 19 year old pilot got them safely back to their base in England. Nineteen. What were you doing at that age?

My Dad’s would be absolutely appalled by this stunt. This isn’t what they fought and almost died for.

This man is such a scourge in this country. I live for the days I do not have to hear, see or read anything about him ever again.

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I was in the Navy at 19 yrs of age, and after a couple years of intense training, I was certified by the Dept of Energy to operate a nuclear reactor on a submarine. One of my proudest achievements in the height of The Cold War ‘83 thru ‘86. I went in a kid, and came out a man.

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Thank you for your service.

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Thank you!

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Thank you 🙏

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Good for you. Thank you.

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Thank you, John, for your sacrifice and honorable service to the protection of our country. Wife of Vietnam Vet (68-69) here.

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Good for you! Thank you for your service!

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History will make us read about it and I hope it will not be kind to him. The future generations must know the truth about him and I hope they will not repeat the mistakes of the current republicans.

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I don’t think I would mind seeing him do an interview from a jail cell. Otherwise I agree with you.

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I would like to never hear his voice again. No jail interviews!

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Exactly! In Trump's demented mind any attention is good attention, so lock him up, throw away the key, allow him no communication with the outside world, and move on.

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And a jail with NO golf.

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Agree! Still hopes he chokes on a Big Mac. Get rid of this scum!

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That made me laugh out loud! Thanks.

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Right. Lock him up and lose the key. We don’t need to see that ugly orange face. He looked very fat in that cemetery picture. Repulsive. 🤯😱🤬🤮

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No interviews from jail. Just another convict.

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Same with my dad, a Navy WWII vet who sailed the South Pacific and the Mediterranean. I know what he'd be saying with those colorful words and I heard it before with his disdain for the GOP during the Nixon and Reagan years.

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My grandpa was in the navy and he was a cook on one of the battleships. He use to fix me what he called 'shit on a shingle'. It was delicious!

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My dad was a Staff Sgt. in the Army during WWII while serving in the Pacific Theater. He too taught me SOS! :)

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Hahahahahaha! Marlene, to me it was delicious! My uncle who had followed his dad into the navy hated it and anytime my grandpa would fix it, he would make himself something else!

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At 19 I was 3 months into my 22 year career in the USAF. I saw combat in three different theaters, and was fortunately not wounded physically.

This stunt is beyond the pale.

But what's so aggravating is he will never feel shame for disrespecting all those others buried there, nor feel that he ever did anything wrong because the law doesn't apply to him. Apparently he seems to have taken the SCOTUS immunity ruling to mean he can do anything he wants, despite no longer being president.

And his MAGAt cultists will never criticize him for it either, and THAT makes me furious because I know they've had family who served, and I'd be willing to bet some of them even lost family in combat. But they're so wrapped up in his cult of personality, that they'll find a way to justify it.

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Thank you for your many years of service, Don!

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I am so with you Linda. Your father is the reason I was born in France in 1946 when my dad came back from concentration camp, due to resistance work.

Without your dad I wouldn't be here.

This former president is sick and horrifying.

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So right never again “hear, see, and read” ….

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Linda, your two dads are heroes in my eyes! You are absolutely correct about that orange smear!

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Thank you, Peggy. I was really blessed to have the two of them in my life.

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Linda, you have every right to be proud of the service that your dad and stepdad gave. And the 19 year old kid! Tip of the hat to you and your brave American family.

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Could not agree more.

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I’ve seen this covered a lot in Substack but not much in the MSM outside NPR and The Daily Beast. That you for adding your voice to call out this disgusting spectacle. Sadly, perhaps they need security cameras at Arlington to protect workers there from the likes of a former president and his staff.

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There was a major article in the Washington Post today. That paper has been more than generous to Donvict over the years, though the article today din't paint him in a good light. The man has no honor, no respect, no integrity, and is sorely short on morals.

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This despicable bastard is short on everything. He continues to break laws for political gain and yet, nothing happens. Hopefully his latest disrespectful, illegal campaign photo op will backfire and helps to be one of the many major factors that should cost him the election.

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What on earth makes him and the R party think he’s a suitable candidate for anything? He’s so obviously corrupt, completely stupid, a major criminal. Why do the Republicans want this failed human, a man who is only out for himself who cares not a bit about this country but only his overgrown ego what is it they see in him? Don’t tell me decency because everyone knows he has none. What do they see in this corrupt, liar?

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He is absolutely a stooge and very easily manipulated by the P2025’ers.

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They might be paying his legal bills!

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They like what he tells them. No DEI. No women’s health care. White Christian Nationalism.

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I suspect they expect payback for their donations.

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Those are questions I am sure the majority of Americans would like to know.

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Because he acts like Superman on steroids.

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It's themselves they see, and they think it looks good. For all the wrong reasons.

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Despicable bastard is perfect.

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Thank you Cindy. I have a few more descriptions that just might be a bit too expletive for this site.

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You said it well, and thank you for saying it..

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Thank you Steve.

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I agree that hopefully this will make a difference but we need more than hope. We all need to do whatever we can to see that he is not re elected. With this latest disgraceful behavior we need to support any veterans' group that is working to get all veterans to vote against trump. I am sure even donations of a few dollars, if from thousands of people will help these groups get the word out to veterans and to make sure they are registered to vote and will be able to get to the polls (with whatever identification they may need). I donate to Vote Vets but don't know if that is the best.

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He has no concept of what is decent in this society simply because he does not have a decent cell in his body.

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'Cause finally the tables are starting to turn

Talkin' 'bout a revolution

Tracy Chapman

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