From now on I am calling Traitor Trump to America! My wish is for Putin to charter the largest plane to take Trump and Musk and the entourage to Moscow. Putin will clean Trump's clock! The Russian people are not better off because they have to wait in long lines for essential foods, and they do not want their sons to die! GO UKRAINE!
I've been writing to my Representatives every time something new comes out but they seemed to have their hands tied behind their backs because of how Trump stacked the government including the Supreme court. Shame on all of them for doing this to our country.
I think we all have to admit there was a need for change in most governmental offices. I just spent an hour on hold with SSA!!! There is also a need to recognize that most Russians think their lives have improved under Putin, even with all our sanctions!!
No Dan, I have to disagree with you, it was NOT, a single vote! The MAGA Republicans who voted this monstrous human into the Fight House. Those that voted for this are responsible for this domestic and global colossal crisis. I can not ever remember a fear that I have at this point in time, in my lifetime. And I grew up knowing the Cuban Missile Crisis! My parents never spoke the horrors of WW2, nor how the hell they survived the Great Depression, without bread, without shoes… I am in a state of mind I’ve never felt…I have tears for Ukraine and picture those courageous brave soldiers at the line being told the US has abandoned them, I picture the Moms with their children struggling and awaiting Dad to come back from the front line. They have no electricity, water & food is getting harder to get to people in outer towns & villages, people all over this wretched world hungry, diseased, running from warring rebels… and my beloved Mother Earth and her creatures at the mercy of the greed of man! Is almost too much for my irreparably broken heart… my hope is wavering, but I will fight, as I always have, because freedom ain’t free. Every! Single! One of us! Must join this resistance and get out there! NOW, not tomorrow, not next week! We are at the precipice…. Please read Maria Ressa’s ( she is a Nobel Peace prize winner) How to Stand Up to a Dictator… and please stand up to this monster and his billionaire gang! Lest we lose it all…
You hit the nail on the head !! There are many of us that are feel helpless and dejected by our elected officials that are sitting on their rear end’s doing NOTHING !
I would hope that someone will take that wimp Johnson out back and give him a once over…please say there is a light at the end of the tunnel to vote new congressional representatives into office that will balance the scales. I’m sure Russian hacks are already working to interfere with our voting machines…God Help Us !!
If we really peer back into the 1st trump term, his motivations were never country first, not even close, they were always to his personal benefit and in some instances, his family.
The family really cleaned up the 1st term. Now, Trump sees to cement his legacy in imagery or naming citing him personally. He has initiated a rogue's gallery of a Cabinet and yes, has dared the Congress/Senate to do anything outside of saying "Yes, Trump".
While trump continues to be who he was the 1st go round, its the Congress that has really taken my breath away. I have not seen these folks torch their own constituents for a person they may not personally agree with or even like. America now shows we are no longer the land of the free and home of the brave, we are now the land of the sheep and the home of the feal.
If he wasn't the leader of our country, his appearances would be laughable. Tonight we are going to hear him brag and boast about his accomplishments, telling a captive audience of Congress how he was the hope of the nation. To listen to him rant on and on it is as if he had no idea of reality; no conception of what is really going on around him. No war would have erupted had he been President, no economic problems would have arisen, hell, he would have stilled the powers of nature itself!!!And still the sycophants cheer him on. It is understandable that ma and pa farmer in Iowa would follow him and believe his ridiculous lies, but in front of him tonight will be an assembly of highly educated, experienced legislators who damn well know better!! Speaker Johnson is a perfect example. He, the glorified Christian believer, has become as big a liar as Trump. He opens his first session with a prayer supposedly Jefferson's favorite. Trouble is, Jefferson never had anything to do with it. Now he claims democrats filled the halls of legislators all over the country and complained about what is going on with all the firings and reductions. Another total fabrication (reminds us of the Jan 6 riot which was caused by FBI agents while the majority of folks there brandishing flagpoles and zip ties were tourists out for a trip to our Capitol). No wonder Putin is laughing. It was all written. But like the child who knew the Emperor was naked, he stood alone while everyone else stood silent. We are at a crossroads. As Yogi Berra said, "when you come to a fork in the road, take it." There is only one way out of this morass..................hopefully people are going to wake up and follow it before things get worse.
For a long time, decades, he was able to shape ‘reality’ to suit his desires. He perfected ‘fake news’ using tabloids decades ago. Brought the approach to his campaigns & the WH his first term.
But now we’re in a worse spot because the members of the press who do not kowtow get cut off, sued and vilified. The WH press corps is now controlled by him and skews toward magamaniacs. He is also over all the agencies that do official reports. Lutnick is considering changing how GDP is calculated. Probably before the next quarterly official report.
I’m sure it is a coincidence that after being about 2.3%, GDPnow tracker (Atlanta Fed) had it at -1.5% February 28th. March 3 (yesterday) at -2.8%. The cure? To say federal dollars (including employees / salaries) do not contribute to the economy. Put them in a different report for “transparency.” It reminds me of the thing about Covid health reports when he had his paws on them. When he admitted he told them to stop the testing because testing led to more cases.
The military needs to take over our government in the short term. Unfortunately it seems all those flag worshipping generals and military leaders have now sworn an oath to Trump instead of the constitution. Russia destroyed us and most Americans don’t even know it. We are weak and getting weaker by the moment.
The Constitution says the military answers to the president.
So what you are suggesting violates the Constitution.
The military is to refuse unlawful orders, not overthrow the government. A coup would create chaos. His fans would resist. And it would be a gift to our adversaries.
The voters did this. Voters need to get off their collective asses and fix it.
Article II Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution , the Commander in Chief clause, states "[t]he President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States."
I have resigned myself into thinking that yes, we do live under a despot, yes, we will have another "great depression", and yes there is something that can be done. Please start a letter writing or phone call campaign for your Reps and Senators. As far as I understand you can only email your Reps, so call others. You can email any Senator. Remind them of their oaths, remind them of what is at stake, ask them if they want to become oligarchs. I have emailed lying Lindasy and wishy washy Collins and Murkowski just yesterday.
Our government never found out what Putin and drumpf agreed to in 2018 in their secret Helsinki meeting. drumpf didn't have the power in his first term to do entirely as he wanted since not everyone around him was a traitor who swore to uphold the Constitution but privately swore fealty only to drumpf, as he now has, nor had he tainted the Supreme Court to where it's an arm of the Executive, not a third branch of government. Look to Alaska. Putin may well want to establish a base in North America, and by making Canada our enemy, it's likely the Canadians will not lift a finger to prevent such an incursion, which would be welcomed by drumpf. In exchange, drumpf thinks he'll get kickbacks from Putin for mineral resources in Ukraine and eventually from the underground resources in Alaska. Panama's canal would be enlarged for the traffic of billionaires' vessels.
I think we are seeing the agreement play out. Last time, he had guardrails within his own cabinet and could not execute behavior we see during that time. Now that the House and Senate have willingly laid down to do nothing, the "Russia pact" can play out.
My brother just wrote this upon reading 'A New Arm of the Kremlin'
My guess is that some ardent trumpers are beginning to wonder just what they bought. There will be more buyers regret once the tariffs bite and the economy crumbles as inflation roars...
Remember in grade school when there was always some bully kid and his pathetic sidekick? The bully taunted everyone, but he would never get his hands dirty--that's what the sidekick was for. Trump and JD Vance behaved just like that toward Zelenskyy. It's shameful, bullying, and so juvenile, endangering an entire alliance just because Trump was called out by Zelenskyy for trying to wrap aid to his country around dirt against Biden. I am sickened that these two thugs are representing my country.
Heartbraking. Everyone must write or call their representatives and push back against this betrayal of America and its values. I don't like doing it: I have lots of other things that I would rather attend to...but! This is our country, our values, or democracy. We cannot be passive. Make your feelings known! Support others who do!
Unfortunately, my 'representative" in Congress, Nick Langworthy, is attached to the short-fingered vulgarian, like a remora, simply regurgitates the Party Line Talking Points and Lies. It doesn't stop me from writing, of course.
From now on I am calling Traitor Trump to America! My wish is for Putin to charter the largest plane to take Trump and Musk and the entourage to Moscow. Putin will clean Trump's clock! The Russian people are not better off because they have to wait in long lines for essential foods, and they do not want their sons to die! GO UKRAINE!
I've been writing to my Representatives every time something new comes out but they seemed to have their hands tied behind their backs because of how Trump stacked the government including the Supreme court. Shame on all of them for doing this to our country.
Trump must be removed. And his administration. Only one way to do that. Those who swore an oath better act now.
I think we all have to admit there was a need for change in most governmental offices. I just spent an hour on hold with SSA!!! There is also a need to recognize that most Russians think their lives have improved under Putin, even with all our sanctions!!
No Dan, I have to disagree with you, it was NOT, a single vote! The MAGA Republicans who voted this monstrous human into the Fight House. Those that voted for this are responsible for this domestic and global colossal crisis. I can not ever remember a fear that I have at this point in time, in my lifetime. And I grew up knowing the Cuban Missile Crisis! My parents never spoke the horrors of WW2, nor how the hell they survived the Great Depression, without bread, without shoes… I am in a state of mind I’ve never felt…I have tears for Ukraine and picture those courageous brave soldiers at the line being told the US has abandoned them, I picture the Moms with their children struggling and awaiting Dad to come back from the front line. They have no electricity, water & food is getting harder to get to people in outer towns & villages, people all over this wretched world hungry, diseased, running from warring rebels… and my beloved Mother Earth and her creatures at the mercy of the greed of man! Is almost too much for my irreparably broken heart… my hope is wavering, but I will fight, as I always have, because freedom ain’t free. Every! Single! One of us! Must join this resistance and get out there! NOW, not tomorrow, not next week! We are at the precipice…. Please read Maria Ressa’s ( she is a Nobel Peace prize winner) How to Stand Up to a Dictator… and please stand up to this monster and his billionaire gang! Lest we lose it all…
You hit the nail on the head !! There are many of us that are feel helpless and dejected by our elected officials that are sitting on their rear end’s doing NOTHING !
I would hope that someone will take that wimp Johnson out back and give him a once over…please say there is a light at the end of the tunnel to vote new congressional representatives into office that will balance the scales. I’m sure Russian hacks are already working to interfere with our voting machines…God Help Us !!
I just head the Kremlin named Trump employee of the month. Go figure...
Yes, Andy Borowitz nailed it in 2016. I think he or others revived it recently. It just proves that sometimes satire is too close to the truth.
If we really peer back into the 1st trump term, his motivations were never country first, not even close, they were always to his personal benefit and in some instances, his family.
The family really cleaned up the 1st term. Now, Trump sees to cement his legacy in imagery or naming citing him personally. He has initiated a rogue's gallery of a Cabinet and yes, has dared the Congress/Senate to do anything outside of saying "Yes, Trump".
While trump continues to be who he was the 1st go round, its the Congress that has really taken my breath away. I have not seen these folks torch their own constituents for a person they may not personally agree with or even like. America now shows we are no longer the land of the free and home of the brave, we are now the land of the sheep and the home of the feal.
Just startling.
If he wasn't the leader of our country, his appearances would be laughable. Tonight we are going to hear him brag and boast about his accomplishments, telling a captive audience of Congress how he was the hope of the nation. To listen to him rant on and on it is as if he had no idea of reality; no conception of what is really going on around him. No war would have erupted had he been President, no economic problems would have arisen, hell, he would have stilled the powers of nature itself!!!And still the sycophants cheer him on. It is understandable that ma and pa farmer in Iowa would follow him and believe his ridiculous lies, but in front of him tonight will be an assembly of highly educated, experienced legislators who damn well know better!! Speaker Johnson is a perfect example. He, the glorified Christian believer, has become as big a liar as Trump. He opens his first session with a prayer supposedly Jefferson's favorite. Trouble is, Jefferson never had anything to do with it. Now he claims democrats filled the halls of legislators all over the country and complained about what is going on with all the firings and reductions. Another total fabrication (reminds us of the Jan 6 riot which was caused by FBI agents while the majority of folks there brandishing flagpoles and zip ties were tourists out for a trip to our Capitol). No wonder Putin is laughing. It was all written. But like the child who knew the Emperor was naked, he stood alone while everyone else stood silent. We are at a crossroads. As Yogi Berra said, "when you come to a fork in the road, take it." There is only one way out of this morass..................hopefully people are going to wake up and follow it before things get worse.
For a long time, decades, he was able to shape ‘reality’ to suit his desires. He perfected ‘fake news’ using tabloids decades ago. Brought the approach to his campaigns & the WH his first term.
But now we’re in a worse spot because the members of the press who do not kowtow get cut off, sued and vilified. The WH press corps is now controlled by him and skews toward magamaniacs. He is also over all the agencies that do official reports. Lutnick is considering changing how GDP is calculated. Probably before the next quarterly official report.
I’m sure it is a coincidence that after being about 2.3%, GDPnow tracker (Atlanta Fed) had it at -1.5% February 28th. March 3 (yesterday) at -2.8%. The cure? To say federal dollars (including employees / salaries) do not contribute to the economy. Put them in a different report for “transparency.” It reminds me of the thing about Covid health reports when he had his paws on them. When he admitted he told them to stop the testing because testing led to more cases.
The military needs to take over our government in the short term. Unfortunately it seems all those flag worshipping generals and military leaders have now sworn an oath to Trump instead of the constitution. Russia destroyed us and most Americans don’t even know it. We are weak and getting weaker by the moment.
The Constitution says the military answers to the president.
So what you are suggesting violates the Constitution.
The military is to refuse unlawful orders, not overthrow the government. A coup would create chaos. His fans would resist. And it would be a gift to our adversaries.
The voters did this. Voters need to get off their collective asses and fix it.
Article II Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution , the Commander in Chief clause, states "[t]he President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States."
We, the people, hate Dumpy
I have resigned myself into thinking that yes, we do live under a despot, yes, we will have another "great depression", and yes there is something that can be done. Please start a letter writing or phone call campaign for your Reps and Senators. As far as I understand you can only email your Reps, so call others. You can email any Senator. Remind them of their oaths, remind them of what is at stake, ask them if they want to become oligarchs. I have emailed lying Lindasy and wishy washy Collins and Murkowski just yesterday.
Our government never found out what Putin and drumpf agreed to in 2018 in their secret Helsinki meeting. drumpf didn't have the power in his first term to do entirely as he wanted since not everyone around him was a traitor who swore to uphold the Constitution but privately swore fealty only to drumpf, as he now has, nor had he tainted the Supreme Court to where it's an arm of the Executive, not a third branch of government. Look to Alaska. Putin may well want to establish a base in North America, and by making Canada our enemy, it's likely the Canadians will not lift a finger to prevent such an incursion, which would be welcomed by drumpf. In exchange, drumpf thinks he'll get kickbacks from Putin for mineral resources in Ukraine and eventually from the underground resources in Alaska. Panama's canal would be enlarged for the traffic of billionaires' vessels.
I think we are seeing the agreement play out. Last time, he had guardrails within his own cabinet and could not execute behavior we see during that time. Now that the House and Senate have willingly laid down to do nothing, the "Russia pact" can play out.
My brother just wrote this upon reading 'A New Arm of the Kremlin'
My guess is that some ardent trumpers are beginning to wonder just what they bought. There will be more buyers regret once the tariffs bite and the economy crumbles as inflation roars...
A pickle of our own making! What, I wonder, can ordinary citizens do to negate all of the horror being unleashed?
Remember in grade school when there was always some bully kid and his pathetic sidekick? The bully taunted everyone, but he would never get his hands dirty--that's what the sidekick was for. Trump and JD Vance behaved just like that toward Zelenskyy. It's shameful, bullying, and so juvenile, endangering an entire alliance just because Trump was called out by Zelenskyy for trying to wrap aid to his country around dirt against Biden. I am sickened that these two thugs are representing my country.
Heartbraking. Everyone must write or call their representatives and push back against this betrayal of America and its values. I don't like doing it: I have lots of other things that I would rather attend to...but! This is our country, our values, or democracy. We cannot be passive. Make your feelings known! Support others who do!
Unfortunately, my 'representative" in Congress, Nick Langworthy, is attached to the short-fingered vulgarian, like a remora, simply regurgitates the Party Line Talking Points and Lies. It doesn't stop me from writing, of course.