And it is a problem for more than just the young.

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Yes but they are least prepared and much more vulnerable than adults

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Not sure I agree with that yes their adults allegedly

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That's a truth Stephen; thanks for having the guts to say so. Marsha's comment is equally true, and her priority is correct. Hopefully others that need curatives and truth will benefit too. I do feel that caution from reputable perches is long overdue; AI and it's abuse is not all that new. It's been used and abused already in our election cycles.

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I hear a ton about young people being excessively on their devices but not enough people are talking about the parents being excessively on their devices. That fact

should be the most common headline.

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From a psychological standpoint, social media does not affect adults in the same way as young people, whose brains aren’t fully developed until about age 25. Nor are most adults spending 5 hours a day on social media. But your point is well taken. We could be more careful about what we model to kids. We can also be proactive about offering meaningful and interesting alternatives.

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It should, because perhaps they would be more aware of what was happening to their children if they were not doing the same.

Although, having children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren, It is my experience that things can be missed by even the most observant parent.

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Great point! How will our kids back off if we have our heads in our phone?

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Excellent essay, Dan Rather. Only shows how much on top of your game ( of reporting) you are in the world.

Problems are many, Sir. First with broken homes, no one to talk to face to face but face time and whatsapp. No good habits of reading a book. Have seen couples in restaurants on the phone before and after a meal.

It is sickening. Don’t expect miracles from the “ do nothing Congress” in the pockets of Corporations. Greed rules.

No need to look further out, Sir.

How badly CBS treated you and for what? Reporting a true story.

My two cents.

Can write a lot, but I am just a small fry.

Thank you

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"Power & Greed"

Our Government has been severely screwed up for a very long time. Doesn't matter which Party is "in power".

They Blew it in Korea. Our military wasn't ready and up to date to actually fight and win a "modern" war.

Vietnam?! I'm a USAF TAC Vietnam Veteran. That mess was Complete Bull Sh t from the start. They didn't learn from the French Failure. Nor did they intend to. Power & Greed.

And our 2 newer "never ending wars"...

It Never Stops... Peace and Best Regards.

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Couldn’t have said it, better, Tim.

These guys take us for suckers.

They have no idea how different cultures live around the world. They want to promote democracy to people who live and die by the sword.

All they do is promote a “ War Economy “, the likes of Raytheon, General Dynamics, Martin Marietta and the other numerous’ Killing Machine’ companies. Why ?

Because they get funded big time by them to run elections.

We have all heard the saying- you scratch my back and I scratch yours.

How very convenient except that the little gets screwed Big Time.

Thank you, Tim

My two cents.

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Good Day.

It might have been Mark Twain that said something like this: "If Voting really mattered, "They" wouldn't allow us to Vote"... Best Regards.

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Sure thing, all we can and hope to do is live for the moment. And not cause harm to anyone. It is not mandatory to win a popularity contest.

As long as we don’t do evil in thought, word and deed. That’s the important thing. Life is very fragile, thanks partly to NRA.

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I get it. Peace

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I'm with you--the whole system is corrupt AND bad players in the world are taking advantage of our chaos and gridlock.

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This warning could be the beginning of a good thing. From appearances I've often suspected that these mobile devices and their apps are the equivalent to 21st century cigarettes. They certainly are as addictive., not only to kids, but to their parents as well. Pavlov could have done no better in training people to respond to their devices.

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20th century cigarette commercials got me addicted/ 1970s... you've come a long way baby... and all that

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They were memorable and got a lot of people hooked. Now we have endless ads for faster speed, more apps, more upscale devices, and the internet sites constantly banging on at us through social media. It's not very different at all.

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Marsha, I am 69 years old. I was 1 of 6 kids. TV was our babysitter. I can correctly sing the melody and lyrics of numerous cigarette commercials we watched. Brainwashing at its finest!! A terrible testimony of our godless, consumerism-based culture. Ugghhh!

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I was out dancing ata large event at the local museum Saturday night and many of the women were dancing with the cells in their hands. My God. I wonder if they make love with the device in their hands, also.

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A lot of men would probably like to do that.

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How many would interrupt their lovemaking to take a call?

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I really don't want to know. Priorities, please!!

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Lol, Bill. May be they would like to make a video, if it’s a good performance. Lol. I am sorry I am trying to be funny. It doesn’t work. Sometimes you have to laugh a bit. There is too much bs around.

On a serious note, wait till we all see the havoc “” Artificial Intelligence “” will create. All these Wall Street AI stocks might do well, some already are, but at what cost, really?

Messing up future generations ? The worst thing anyone can do in the world.

My two cents, Bill.

Thank you.

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It is funny. My response: Buy Nvidia it’s not too late. At this point, I’m more interested in gaining asset strength so that I can increase my imprint on the world and it does take money. The human world is going to hell. If I can help save some of the natural world, I’m fine with that.

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Thanks, I used to deal with equities long time ago, not anymore. Retired and “ compassionate conservative “” so much for bs from the “W”. Lol

You might want to look at Applied Materials ( amat) and Oracle ( orcl)

I have no dog in the fight. I just own a bit of those.

Thanks, yes the world is going to hell. I like to look at the glass as half full but honestly I cannot ignore the half empty part, either.


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And thank you. I just went into Broadcom 10 to 1 split in a few days. I don’t want to brag because when you do, something unpredictable or unwarranted happens.

I have given up on political labels. I think for myself I don’t adhere to ideological groupings. I can have the fight with a republican as quickly as I can with a democrat. I despair that so many feel a need to follow. Old times, I once read how one was supposed to follow people on Twitter. My very simple mind thought, “But I don’t follow anyone.” So I was never a Twitter member.

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Good thinking, we are all flesh and blood. Nobody’s God’s gift on earth.

Democrats or Republicans, they are all in it for themselves and reach the Top by fooling people.

Who excels when is all marketing and packaging of the party.

My two cents, Bill

Thank you

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I would not at all be surprised!

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Jun 17Edited

When I returned to school later in life it became obvious I could either study and do my homework or continue facebook. I chose to quit facebook and, finding life went on without facebook, never returned.

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I’ve been off Facebook for three years and I’ve never been happier. I do miss fb marketplace and some of my groups on there but that’s it.

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But here you are, still addicted to the phone. I see you subscribe to 6 writers and take time to reply. I know itvis hard to disconnect.

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And not to forget a potential mental health issues of one sick presidential candidate. And we sll know who that is.

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Thank you for addressing this issue, Dan. I often feel sad passing through suburban neighborhoods with so sign of children playing. It has gotten worse over the last decade or so. My kids were young in the '90's and there was more spontaneous socialization (playing games outside that they created etc.) at that time. It's sad and it's largely due to technology. Adults suffer from isolation and disconnection as well. We are a lonely, vulnerable (thus the trump-effect), overly- tuned inside-out culture. I had a fix of happiness today, though; I saw several children simple smiling, chatting while riding their bikes. It made me hopeful for the future - for a few minutes. Kids are still kids beneath all the techno-conditioning. Parents and other mentors have to pay mor attention to screen time. But it ain't easy is it?

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So sad. I’m so happy I grew up in the ‘50’s.

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History may later show this was one of the greatest mental health issues of our time, not to mention the physiological effects folks are having with their necks, eyesight, etc.

I have found from time to time, I need to NOT log into certain platforms ( which shall remain nameless or characterless ), and spend some time in the garden, or a little more on my work, taking a walk, etc.

Stephen is correct below ( or is that above? )

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Lol Paul.. above ↑

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It’s up to the parents. Never, in a million years, would I have been allowed to have a cell phone. Although I am 71 years old. I see children that are 2 or 3 glued to their phones. They don’t buy them for themselves. I was at a volleyball game last fall and a child next to me, maybe 4, literally had the phone screen 2 inches from her face the entire night taking pictures of herself and posting them who knows where. It’s a huge social addiction and seemingly no one recognizes it as such.

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The only necessity for cell phones are when kids are out, away from home. There are really no pay phones anymore. It's a safety issue.

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Yet it's the last thing they would use it for in that circumstance.

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Yes, makes sense.

Thank you

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Those of us who do recognize it have no say on other people's lives.

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They have to learn it from someone!

There is NOTHING social about social media.

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On more than one occasion I've been driving and had a young person step off the curb at an intersection without ever looking up from their phone, crossing the street against the light. Not even the screech of brakes fazes them because most have earbuds blasting in their ears. I would venture to say this is at least as dangerous as cigarette smoking; but it likely kills faster and suddenly.

Driving while texting is another major problem, and do we have any data on accidents and fatalities caused by this? A young relative posted on social media that it was hilarious how she was able to text a friend while driving 70mph on the freeway during rush hour and barely missed the highway patrol car next to her. I was horrified. I realize our young people think they are invincible, but that doesn't make it so.

I taught high school for many years, and have a special place in my heart for teens. I wish they took their safety as seriously as we do, and also realized there are other things to do besides stare at a phone. It is an addiction, and not only for young people. I had to walk over to a mother in a physician's waiting room to tell her that her toddler needed her. She had earbuds in and was staring at her phone while her child was at her feet crying with an empty bottle. A recent short video on social media, captured by an in-home camera, showed a young couple relaxing with their phones on the sofa while their child took their first steps alone and unnoticed. At least they have the video, if not the experience. It is sad.

I was just going to make one comment, then found myself on top of a soapbox and couldn't shut up. I'm aware of the irony that I'm typing this comment on social media, but this is now the norm. Two days ago I had to call customer service for issues with a streaming service. I mentioned that technology was supposed to make our lives easier, but at that point I would like to return to the big TV you just turned on with the knob on the front and changed the channel with a big dial. The young man who was trying to help with my issue couldn't relate. When I told him I made it all through school and college before there was Internet, he couldn't grasp how that was possible and said he couldn't imagine life without a constant Internet connection. And, that's the problem, and that's the mental health emergency. I am hoping Dr. Murthy is successful with warning labels. It will be a start.

Stepping down slowly from my soapbox now, and may go sit outside and watch the birds.

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I hear you loud and clear.

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My daughter says it was much better to grow up without all the technology. She believes the love of nature and being outside is important. I believe phones should be not out in school classrooms, even if work is "done." Young people need to cut the dependence on using these devices at school and on the job.

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We need more young people like your daughter.

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I’m 70+ and can say truthfully — and a bit shamefully — that social media messes with my own mental health, mostly because it’s a major time-sink that can be hard to dodge even though one might have the best of intentions.

The big problem with Murthy’s admirable recommendation is that congress in its current state is unwilling/unable to discuss — much less cooperate/agree — on anything, and probably won’t be able to for a substantial period of time.

Wonder if there is a social media space where Cronkite/Rather-style journalists could actually reach, engage and educate our younger citizens with easily understood, non-partisan facts that would enable them to understand the critical issues we are facing and make informed voting decisions? Keeping my fingers crossed!

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You are so correct Susan Lee. People are desperate for trustworthy, knowledgeable information on a variety of topics and even those we once thought were reputable are now bombarding us with sales of their own products. eg. Once reputable physicians trying to sell you all their supplements etc. and on and on it goes from one profession to another.

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Absolutely. Once reputable people being bought by corporations or out of their own greed , doing infomarcials.

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Brilliant thought Susan lee. Brava - now how do we affect such a thing ? In my opinion, Dan would be down for it; that said I also think he'd have questions I didn't see coming. "Volley" honorable Dan Rather !

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Dan, look at Fox. It’s more dangerous than kids on phones even trying to overcome immoral players who try to keep people handcuffed to their phones.

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People who watch FOX don’t have brains so it really doesn’t matter.

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That's a very pithy answer about Fox. Unfortunately those folks do matter because brainwashing (such as that show does) impressions and nonsense on there finds its way into the mind easily. Why do you think China and Russia do the same thing all the time? Even educated folks can fall prey to this kind of tactic.

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But they come out of it if they have a brain. All you have to do is watch for 10 minutes. 🤯

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That's kind of like saying a hoarder is lazy because that is why they have a messy house.

I understand that chronic belief in things that are wrong, inaccurate or just plain stupid hits the uneducated and those with self identity problems. These folks are much easier to sway.

I am truly sorry if I made you feel as if I was belittling your statement. I was not, only trying to clarify.

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Brava Marg / Margaret ! I like you already - sight unseen.

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Well stated. I agree.

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Everybody has a brain. They just have not developed theirs and chose not to use it. If we expect change, we need to try to pay attention to their complaints and also, nourish their starved brains.

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I don’t have time for that! 🤣

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We ALL have to try and little harder...

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Read Peter Wehner’s article in today’s Atlantic. Explains everything perfectly and I couldn’t agree more.

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