The thought that an ethics code will affect Supreme Court Justices or change their conduct is tantamount to Republicans offering thoughts and prayers to shooting victims.

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Thanks for this. I called for his resignation a year ago. Time now for his impeachment: https://nickcoccoma.substack.com/p/clarence-thomas-resign

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Clarence and his wife Virginia Thomas have crossed so many lines. How Clarence is allowed to proceed unhindered in his current occupation boggles the mind, and weakens the very institution to which he was appointed. Remove him and Louis DeJoy from their posts - neither deserve to be where they are.

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Yes, the voters are angry. Which is good; because then they vote.

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It is just so deplorable how the right wing has begun destroying our democracy! The Supreme Court has become a part of this disaster! Justice Thomas is and always has been a disgrace. Impeach him.

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Justice Thomas should have stepped down a year ago because of his wife. I can't believe he could possibly be impartial. Supreme Court justices are not gods. I believe they should have term limits and not life long positions on the Supreme Court. Like everyone else holding a job, accountability is a must. if we can't get accountability and transparency by the Supreme Court, it's a very big problem.

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Excellence in journalism. This is going for the throat, hooray.

I didnt like Thomas since his true self was exposedby honorable Anita Hill. What joke that someone like him sits on our nations highest court!

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Funny how these articles bring up issues and problems which cannot be solved by leftist thinking. Democrat or Republican, it is leftist thinking which is bring the US down.

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The radical right wing justices on SCOTUS have made it completely illegitimate. Alito was appointed by George W. Bush & Barrett was a Trump nominee. Barrett is a joke & will never fill the shoes of RBG! Thomas was nominated by Bush Sr & who can forget his confirmation hearing when Anita Hill accused him of sexual harassment?! I believed her then & still do. He’s an embarrassment to the court as well as Brett Kavanaugh another real winner who blamed alcohol 🍺 consumption for his sexual assault on a young girl while in high school. This group of right wing losers are running our democracy into the ground & seem to be untouchable & above the law. Alito is perhaps the worst one for leading the way to reverse Roe v Wade & virtually stripping away the right to choose from women nationwide which is proving to be disastrous for women’s health. This group may think that they are untouchable as SCOTUS justices but judgment day will come for them someday 🙏🏻

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I enjoy reading your comments but living on SS & having health problems & a Mortgage mean we can't afford $ 5 a month. A once in a while small donation would be the only possibility for us....

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I have always had doubts about judge Thomas and from the start thought he should not have been on the Supreme Court. All the recent findings about him just confirm that Fr me.

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Thanks for this powerful piece. Articulate and insightful, as we have come to expect. Keep the fire in the belly burning.

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Clarence Thomas is as shameful as so many Republicans are today! He's in the Highest Court of America & is supposed to do that job without bias & without gifts being handed to him! It breaks my heart to see the damage & disrespect these people, both him & his wife, have shown our Country & our laws...both are only in it for what they can get from their positions & need to be brought to justice & to their knees weeping over what they have done & what could have been! They could have been great people, but they have let pride & greed swallow their souls many, many years ago!!!

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So it's mind-boggling that there is not an Ethics Code for Justices however, I found on the internet the following:

Though the Supreme Court has not formally adopted a code, its members are still subject to federal statues that impose ethical standards on all federal judges, such as one that requires them to recuse themselves from cases for specific personal bias or financial conflicts.

The Code of Conduct for United States Judges includes the ethical canons that apply to federal judges and provides guidance on their performance of official duties and engagement in a variety of outside activities.

So there is at least a minimum standard they are held to...but still, they need their own Ethics Code.


To be in a 25 year friendship and accept "gifts" in the amount of $500,000 there is absolutely an ethical and moral issue at the very least of "the appearance of impropriety". But it went further as we know, Harlan paid the foundation that paid Ginni's salary. He made six figure donations to Yale in the name of Justice Thomas to get him well regarded and known. So there is an agenda. It is there. I will wait for the smarter people than myself to uncover it.

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Astute observation, Thanks.

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Don’t just sit there and take this, act like a citizen… call or email the United States Supreme Court directly.

Flood the only email access to the Justices, through their “Public Information Office”.


Write and/or call the Supreme Court directly: here’s the link to their website: https://www.supremecourt.gov/contact/contactus.aspx

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For time sensitive or urgent questions please contact the Public Information Office at the following number: 202-479-3211, Reporters press 1. The Supreme Court does not have a public comment phone line.

For general questions that are not time sensitive, email: Public Information Office


Contact the Public Information Office by U.S. Mail:

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