The Heritage Foundation has been posting 5 minute podcasts. I have read most.of them. I find their posts the best, well organized Social Media PROPAGANDA around. They start out being logical, backing up their point of view with "facts", then twist the facts to present their agenda which is ultra conservative and invalid. Their newest idea of advocating more oil production and dismantling alternate energy source policies is finally showing the true intentions of Heritage Foundation.

They claim to have origins as a progressive College started by innovative Baptists. I think it is only a cover to give them a some form of respectability.

Beware of the invalid propaganda promoted by Heritage Foundation.

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We have to much government.

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I want to clarify my reply to Leftie Fact Check: He/she is either a Troll or just an armchair critic with no real solutions to back his/her opinion.

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...And "they" don't know how to write in acceptable English, which should give us a clue to their knowledge about politics.

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You are a leftie with no rebuttal.

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I have lots of rebuttals, "Leftie Fact Check". First, anyone who hides behind an oddball handle like yours is suspect. I post with my real name, not hide behind a made up name, which you and your kind think is "cute".

As far as, your knowledge, I am doubtful as your posts say nothing useful, do not show any intelligence but only seed doubt, division, negativity and hint at conspiracy theories.

My rebuttal is that you are basically uneducated in world affairs, world history, US History, logic, ethics and current events.

I figure that you only post out of gut reaction, not with any intelligence.

After years of University Education, time as a foreign exchange student, being part of the Armed Forces, and traveling extensively in Europe and Central America by train, bus, hitch hiking, auto and working in villages, staying with families and hostels, I figure you don't know CRAP about anything.

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This is the typical leftie reply. Zero substance while telling everyone that they are smarter than everyone.

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Another armchair critic.

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We have a government that we can’t afford.

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#Learn Modern Monetary Theory. Then you won't make such foolish comments.

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I am... fucking astonished. That writing moved me. My rage at the system is completely impotent, though.

It’s no wonder people are depressed, right?

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I agree with the point of this post overall: effective government is indispensable.

Two quibbles, however:

"We pour billions of dollars into our armed forces and nuclear arsenal, hoping not to fight wars but to deter them from starting."

We pour WAY TOO MANY billions of dollars into the military, money that could feed and house thousands of needy people. Meanwhile, fat-cat military contractors rake it in, hand over fist. That profiteering shouldn't get a pass, but it does here.

"We need a government willing to work with other nations to protect our Earth."

Then why are we taking an increasingly confrontational stance with China, a logical partner in combating climate change? Although China is slipping in terms of its current economy, it's still second only to the U.S., a powerhouse that could make a huge difference in pushing renewables (once it got off the coal standard). I've had this idea for several years, and evidently it's not that far-fetched, as Bernie Sanders has just made the same point.

All this to say that the broad strokes of this post are spot-on, but some sticky details are glossed over, imo.

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Learn Modern Monetary Theory, so your comments won't be so outlandish.

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I didn't know that movie, but I have seen mining mentioned as a goal before. Years ago an experiment was done on earth to set up a plastic enclosed structure with plants inside to create oxygen, but it leaked. It will be very hard for people to live there if they ever can, but robotic mining machines might be sent up to do it. What I fear is that the runaway greenhouse effect could make the earth unliveable entirely, even for the very wealthy. It also seems to be happening faster than the scientists predicted. What amazes me is that the coal and oil barons seem not to have thought of that.

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A case for government can be made by objectively comparing government with non-government, but not by unevidenced confessions of faith in it or partisan attacks on those whose idea of government is different from one's own.

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Wonderful. The writing and content is so on point. The Republican Party offers no solutions or plans other than tearing things down, even if they are essential. Sickening

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"And yet we are living in an era when one of our two major political parties has become hostile to the very idea of government"

Are they REALLY hostile to that idea? How many of the players behind them built fortunes by exploiting government?

More likely: they're not hostile to "government" - but only to government that doesn't serve them first. They anticipate bailouts. When Florida floods, a US president will make good the Florida investors and fail the Florida victims.

Which...in a way, is exactly what happened the last time Southern California had a massive flood that killed scores of people - and with Katrina in New Orleans. The victims relocated. Others profited immensely.

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Anti government money, i.e. their tax dollars going to the poor that is people of color that they resent, bailouts and emergency monies AOK. The real problem is the over all lack of trust in the institutions that regulate, investigate, and provide justice are all under suspicion for being partisan.

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If "anti-government rhetoric" is primarily a marketing ploy by extremely well-connected individuals who are extorting handouts from the government (as I believe), then "anti-government beliefs" or lack of trust is more of a symptom of a problem than the actual problem.

People will lose trust naturally - even if they deal with an entirely trustworthy party - if what they expected that party to deliver to them is denied. Scam artists routinely draw in an audience of particular marks by first manipulating expectations so that 'legitimate' looks like something other than it is.

How many people waved "keep your government hands off my Medicare!" signs? "Keep your big government hands off social security!" It would be crazy to believe such an internal contradiction, UNLESS someone was deliberately stoking it...and the sorts of people who would do so will also exploit a flood for profit if they see even the vaguest possibility of doing so.

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Short and long term monetary gains will prevent realistic policy on climate change.

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To those closet white supremists and those desiring to destroy our rule of law constitutional democracy. The sun rose today on all Americans and also you. Changing / denying education and actual history and science and social and real religious aspirations and real social needs. Will not work we the voters will not allow it.

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We do need to tweak our government, and more than that, on a whole series of issues: who is qualified for public office (rules, not suggestions); how to finance campaigns with less corruption than we have now; federal rules even if it means changing the constitution on how elections are run & what "state control" is allowed to mean -- disenfranchisement of felons for instance and other removals of the right to vote from US citizens; increase wealth taxation and inheritance taxes -- with that money being guaranteed for public services instead of the military; increase the "social safety net" rather than decreasing it; free public college or training courses for working class kids up to middle middle class -- the upper middle class, unless they have a financial stress such as high medical bills should be able to pay for it themselves; broadband in every home and a laptop for every student; discounts on computers for adults who want one -- everything is done on the Internet now including applying for jobs & connecting with businesses-- not a luxury item now. If I thought longer about it I could think of other things. We are an antiquated system in a new world.

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I'd add a public healthcare option to your list, Lucy. Good points!

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I’m fed up with Biden and his Administration getting hammered by the Right Wing. This is the most proactive Administration I’ve seen in a long time. The Right Wing hates government and can’t be bothered with governing. All they do is obstruct policy and vote tax breaks for themselves. Absolutely no credibility.

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I too am FED up with how the Biden administration is being lied about by main stream media let alone Fox! Biden has done wonders and gets nothing but negatives! The far right in this country is extremely dangerous especially for elderly and under educated people! There seems to be a lack of critical thinking going on. What ever happened to skepticism about some of the incredible nonsense that spews forth from Fox and some of those newspaper publications with they’re wildly ignorant headlines? The Far right has a right to exist but does it have a right to lie 24/7? Does it have a right to spread anti Semitism? Anti African American? Hate? Yes free speech but at what cost? The GOP is dead, this New Republican Party isn’t even remotely related.

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And what about the rest of us, you and me, who are repulsed by the hate and negativity and the slick spin of the “news”. I learned yesterday that a lot of younger people are getting their news from Reddit.

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I read these articles in admiration for what IS being done and in deep fear for what is NOT being done. We are at such great odds over so many things in this country that it is indeed, very difficult to see the way clear to any kind of reconciliation before things get any further out of hand. Optimism: Pessimism! Is there a middle road somewhere?

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It’s hard to believe that anyone could actually fall for the Republicans tactics! They obviously have no intention of doing anything about climate change what so ever. They just intend to continue on as if nothing has changed and drill, drill drill. It’s all about money and power, they don’t care what Trump has done as long as they get a piece of the action meaning $$$$! They don’t care about the future of our planet or the fact that Trump is a bigot, liar and only wants to be president for his own ego. Trump is not fit to be the leader of any country let alone our country. Fox News has mesmerized its audience with massive lies about the left and how Biden is supposedly ruining this country. This is 1933 all over again only instead of Hitler we have Trump and instead of Propaganda minister Joseph Geobbles we have Fox News propaganda! Wake up people before this far right Republican Fascist party turns us into Nazi America. I am terrified by the stupidity of these brain washed Americans!

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I agree totally, but this is what failing to educate people well in the humanities does. The STEM courses are important, but making money isn't everything. Too many Americans don't CARE about knowing how their government works, accepting their fellow man as their equal, thinking for themselves & making decisions without depending on a cult-like religion or a "fearless leader" to tell them what is true. The amount of mind-control and groupsync that we have now is scary. We are a mob in the making.

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Let’s not let our terror and disgust with stupidity immobilize us. Now is the time to join with the innumerable grassroots groups taking action to make our country and our global community a better place 😊

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Government is not the enemy and never has been. The vast majority of government workers are dedicated, hardworking people with education, training and expertise in the work they are performing, much of it highly complicated and technologically advanced. They are paid a reasonable, but not outlandish wage and have good benefits, just as every other working American strives for. Sure, there are some slackers and some who shouldn't hold the position they do, but that is equally true in private industry as well. Look around your workplace and tell me there aren't some who shouldn't be there. People complain about government regulations and Republicans run on a permanent platform of deregulation. It ignores the fact that most regulations came about as a result of abuses or destructive practices of private industry who cared only about profits and not about things that affect the health, safety and quality of life that the majority want and need. The corporate history of willfully and recklessly exploiting people, the environment and resources for their own benefit is well documented. Regulations that involve the health and safety of people and protection of consumers are rooted in the abuses of the past. In a perfect world, corporations would practice social responsibility and do the right thing. Unfortunately, this is not a perfect world and greedy, self-serving corporations will not do that and government is the only thing that stands between them and the population who lose to corporate abuses. The Republican Party is the party of death and destruction. If you look at the human deaths, injuries and disabilities from gun violence or the deaths, injuries, destruction from catastrophic events that scientists have conclusively proved are directly related to climate change, the human misery and suffering are incalculable. Notwithstanding, the Republican approach of "thoughts and prayers" and gutting and eliminating laws, regulations, programs and services that mitigate or reverse the damage is unconscionable and morally bankrupt. Yes, as unpopular as it might be, we need a well-run government. It is the line between order and chaos. We also need honorable legislators and judicial officials who protect us from improper overreach and abuses by the government. It is a two-way street. Regulation is not a dirty word.

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Hear, hear!!

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I would like to recommend the book The Big Myth, by Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway, to those who want to buttress their arguments about government regulations vs. "free"-market capitalism with a historical overview of a concerted effort of corporations to convince citizens to distrust government in favor of those making obscene profits from the "free," unregulated market.

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And Robert Reich's "Saving Capitalism: for the many and not the few"

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