"Good trouble" is a phrase that describes the idea that meaningful change often requires disruption and challenging unjust systems. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and John Lewis were both advocates for "good trouble" during the Civil Rights movement.
You don’t find a lot of “Good Trouble” on corporate media, or even in civil rights litigation, because of deeply entrenched conflicts of interest that do not favor ruffling the feathers of the courts, investors, or advertisers.
I’m trying something a little different, that combines both interaction with the courts in a new way, and blogging about it and discussing the underlying issues and strategic aims, won’t you have look?
With all the Monday morning quarterbacking about this election's outcome, Dan completely nails it compared to the crybabies blaming Harris and others for the loss. When half or more of the country's ears and eyes are saturated with right-wing propaganda, it's the only plausible explanation for how someone with Trump's history could receive any votes, let alone gain access to the White House.
Are you screaming into the void, I have been since Karl Rove foisted W on Texas in 1994 with dirty ticks and lies, then Rupert gave us Fox with the expressed purpose to “entertain” us… translation: hoodwink the country…
After this election, I don't know how we can fight this! It has been years cleverly honed and here we are. All kinds of "facts" have been drummed into their heads.
Before the internet, information came from a relatively small number of sources that adhered to facts and truth. Then the internet arrived—a multi-headed monster undermining those facts, claiming they were liberally biased. It provided audiences with so-called "alternative facts," which had a potent appeal to fear and hatred, reshaping how many perceived reality.
Thank you for intelligently summarizing the concept nagging at me since election day. I've never felt so helpless and lonely as I do when counteracting what I call the "flashcards" of right-wing propaganda. Those catchy, oft-repeated lines are like earworms to the general masses, and the hyper-efficient delivery system infiltrating social media, rightwing cable news, etc., is solid proof of the now sadly humorous saying/concept: "Lies travel halfway around the world before the truth can get its pants on." I often wonder what John Lennon would say about it.
As much as I love and respect Mr. Rather's input, the side for truth needs to stop bringing a knife to a gunfight. We need to go bigger and better with worldwide representation from a serious voice of wisdom, not 'lah-di-dah', news-for-a-day endorsements from vocalists like Taylor Swift and Beyonce.
When you set out to clean up a mess a Demagogue has created you do not wait until the mess gets bigger and bigger. Now we are dealing with the fact we did not do something after Jan 6 when emotions were high on both sides. We have suffered to the point that democracy is in serious danger, we needed a Linclon. Last I heard E Musk is wanting buy MSNBC. Game over
Mr. Dan! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones❤️🙏.
In response to your essay, flip back a few pages to the Pew poll remark that tested citizens on which candidate had which views….double blind poll. And the kicker is they mistakenly picked the opposing candidate! It isn’t what your friend deduced…that the voters weren’t buying what the Dems were selling. They didn’t know what Trump was selling either. The fact that so many voters get their news from anyone BUT old school journalists tells me that people are not voting issues, they are voting what they last heard or read no matter how ridiculous, inane or hogwash. Yes, it is scary…downright terrifying when you begin to size up what is at stake.
Your call for upgrading the volume and amount of the Dem message might help balance
Things a little bit. One can only hope. But I have to wonder how many potential Dem voters could not get past how they were lied to about Biden’s real physical/mental decline until the very last moment. Did they hold their nose and vote for Trump? Did they sit home and not vote because they were disgusted with the Democrats lying through their teeth? Perhaps they asked themselves, “Gee, if they covered up Biden’s decline for so long, about what else have they lied to us?” That debate was a “Big Message on the wall.” Personally, I don’t think anything the Dems said, or could possibly say, would ever erase that debacle from our mind’s eye. It was over that night.
While reading the comments. I see no discussion of the Hispanic male voter's influence on the outcome of the Presidential election. This block as well as other conservative immigrant blocks may have more to do with the outcome than the general messaging by Harris and the Democrats. Democrats need to change how the message is delivered to attract groups that tend to take a right wing side because of the societies from which they fled. For an excellent analysis of how the populist right is taking over US governing and what to do to confront this assault, I recommend:
Yes, I agree to the brainwashing effects. BUT I also blame major media for treating Trump/Vance like normal Presidential candidates. For example, very close to the election, I read a social post that claimed that Hillbilly Elegy was completely made-up. I have read the book, found the hyperbole to be ridiculous, but at no time did I think Vance made it all up, invented it out of whole cloth. If I go to Google and search this, there are several hits that indicate the book was untrue. How did Vance get elected and I never heard a single major news channel discuss this? If I add all of Trump's lies, legal convictions, odd Vance claims about women, and now his book and I wonder - where wazs NBC? CNN? CBS? They failed completely. Thinking voters were left to either the total lies from Fox or the bland 'nothing is amiss here' from CNN or CBS.
I hate this so much, I can barely read about it, think about it, talk about it. I know that’s not helpful. For now, it’s self preservation
"Good trouble" is a phrase that describes the idea that meaningful change often requires disruption and challenging unjust systems. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and John Lewis were both advocates for "good trouble" during the Civil Rights movement.
You don’t find a lot of “Good Trouble” on corporate media, or even in civil rights litigation, because of deeply entrenched conflicts of interest that do not favor ruffling the feathers of the courts, investors, or advertisers.
I’m trying something a little different, that combines both interaction with the courts in a new way, and blogging about it and discussing the underlying issues and strategic aims, won’t you have look?
The love and decency in your marriage and family, your work and friends, your love of truth . . . shine!
With all the Monday morning quarterbacking about this election's outcome, Dan completely nails it compared to the crybabies blaming Harris and others for the loss. When half or more of the country's ears and eyes are saturated with right-wing propaganda, it's the only plausible explanation for how someone with Trump's history could receive any votes, let alone gain access to the White House.
Are you screaming into the void, I have been since Karl Rove foisted W on Texas in 1994 with dirty ticks and lies, then Rupert gave us Fox with the expressed purpose to “entertain” us… translation: hoodwink the country…
After this election, I don't know how we can fight this! It has been years cleverly honed and here we are. All kinds of "facts" have been drummed into their heads.
Before the internet, information came from a relatively small number of sources that adhered to facts and truth. Then the internet arrived—a multi-headed monster undermining those facts, claiming they were liberally biased. It provided audiences with so-called "alternative facts," which had a potent appeal to fear and hatred, reshaping how many perceived reality.
Thank you, Dan and Team Steady.
Oh, boy…
Thank you for intelligently summarizing the concept nagging at me since election day. I've never felt so helpless and lonely as I do when counteracting what I call the "flashcards" of right-wing propaganda. Those catchy, oft-repeated lines are like earworms to the general masses, and the hyper-efficient delivery system infiltrating social media, rightwing cable news, etc., is solid proof of the now sadly humorous saying/concept: "Lies travel halfway around the world before the truth can get its pants on." I often wonder what John Lennon would say about it.
As much as I love and respect Mr. Rather's input, the side for truth needs to stop bringing a knife to a gunfight. We need to go bigger and better with worldwide representation from a serious voice of wisdom, not 'lah-di-dah', news-for-a-day endorsements from vocalists like Taylor Swift and Beyonce.
Your Top 8 Wildest Claims and Why Your Dangerous Pseudoscience Has No Place in Public Health
When you set out to clean up a mess a Demagogue has created you do not wait until the mess gets bigger and bigger. Now we are dealing with the fact we did not do something after Jan 6 when emotions were high on both sides. We have suffered to the point that democracy is in serious danger, we needed a Linclon. Last I heard E Musk is wanting buy MSNBC. Game over
Mr. Dan! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones❤️🙏.
In response to your essay, flip back a few pages to the Pew poll remark that tested citizens on which candidate had which views….double blind poll. And the kicker is they mistakenly picked the opposing candidate! It isn’t what your friend deduced…that the voters weren’t buying what the Dems were selling. They didn’t know what Trump was selling either. The fact that so many voters get their news from anyone BUT old school journalists tells me that people are not voting issues, they are voting what they last heard or read no matter how ridiculous, inane or hogwash. Yes, it is scary…downright terrifying when you begin to size up what is at stake.
Your call for upgrading the volume and amount of the Dem message might help balance
Things a little bit. One can only hope. But I have to wonder how many potential Dem voters could not get past how they were lied to about Biden’s real physical/mental decline until the very last moment. Did they hold their nose and vote for Trump? Did they sit home and not vote because they were disgusted with the Democrats lying through their teeth? Perhaps they asked themselves, “Gee, if they covered up Biden’s decline for so long, about what else have they lied to us?” That debate was a “Big Message on the wall.” Personally, I don’t think anything the Dems said, or could possibly say, would ever erase that debacle from our mind’s eye. It was over that night.
While reading the comments. I see no discussion of the Hispanic male voter's influence on the outcome of the Presidential election. This block as well as other conservative immigrant blocks may have more to do with the outcome than the general messaging by Harris and the Democrats. Democrats need to change how the message is delivered to attract groups that tend to take a right wing side because of the societies from which they fled. For an excellent analysis of how the populist right is taking over US governing and what to do to confront this assault, I recommend:
As always, I am grateful for Mr Rather's insight and the comments in Steady. I wish all a meaningful and happy Thanksgiving.
"And Miles to Go..." Shame that movie isn't for Real today. That's a phone call that needs to be made.
Yes, I agree to the brainwashing effects. BUT I also blame major media for treating Trump/Vance like normal Presidential candidates. For example, very close to the election, I read a social post that claimed that Hillbilly Elegy was completely made-up. I have read the book, found the hyperbole to be ridiculous, but at no time did I think Vance made it all up, invented it out of whole cloth. If I go to Google and search this, there are several hits that indicate the book was untrue. How did Vance get elected and I never heard a single major news channel discuss this? If I add all of Trump's lies, legal convictions, odd Vance claims about women, and now his book and I wonder - where wazs NBC? CNN? CBS? They failed completely. Thinking voters were left to either the total lies from Fox or the bland 'nothing is amiss here' from CNN or CBS.
Now look where we are.
Did the brainwashers ultimately get their coupsdeta move from A/I? Maybe Dems should try this instead of making fake art.
Thank goodness you are around to give a journalist’s perspective! There are too few of you these days. Too many have normalized the MAGA leaders.