Breaking news this afternoon from the Supreme Court should remind us that for all we think will happen politically in the months and years ahead, there is so much we don’t know.
Donald Trump wanted to prevent the Congressional committee investigating the insurrection of January 6, from getting access to White House records for that day, invoking executive privilege. The justices overwhelmingly, 8-1, ruled against him. What is in those records we can only guess, but we apparently won’t have to guess for long.
Make no mistake, this is a monumental setback for the former president, and one likely to make him madder than a mamma wasp. In the transactional way he views the world, the justices he appointed to the Court were “his” justices, there to do his bidding. They didn’t do that today in a way that opens him up to a lot of exposure. He is not likely to remain silent, no matter what his lawyers might counsel.
Where does this take the investigation, and what might it mean for the legal jeopardy of the defeated president and his abetters and enablers? The track record of Trump’s life - one of constantly escaping the consequences of his actions - is enough to provide caution that he will face any meaningful criminal judgment here. But one cannot also rule that out. And the chances he is in legal trouble, not to mention political peril, are a lot higher this evening than they were this morning.
But there is another aspect to this story, and the direction of the political winds more generally, that perhaps is being overlooked. And it boils down to the reality that Donald Trump is not a Republican. Yes there was an R next to his name, but it was just like the gaudy signage he affixes to his buildings - a marketing gimmick meant to achieve personal benefit.
Trump is and always has been loyal to himself. And only himself. He’s a party man, but it’s a party of one. In a life as inconsistent as a top in a tornado, the only thing you can bet on with him is that he will always put his own needs above all others, including those of his children.
Being a Republican was something he could co-opt to reach his own ends. And then he took over the party. He thinks, and for good reason, that he is more important to the Republicans than the Republicans are to him. In this case, his ego happens to be correct.
Now look at the Supreme Court, and consider what elected Republicans would feel like they need to do, for their own ambition, if he gets more enmeshed in the public accounting of January 6, or of the investigation in New York, or all the other legal predicaments in which he finds himself. If they try to cut him down, or even just distance themselves, he will go at them with all the fury he has leveled at the Democrats. Of this I have no doubt. We have already seen hints at it with Fox News or Republican politicians who even show a hint of objectivity.
What might it look like with Trump and Republicans at war? Or what might it look like if Republicans continue to surrender their backbones to a man who the public can see is increasingly unhinged and compromised?
Trying to predict the future with Donald Trump is a fool’s errand. But we would also be fooling ourselves if we think that this can’t get a whole lot messier in ways that exposes the Faustian bargain that the Republican Party has made with a man without conscience or loyalty.
A bad day for Donald is a good day for the American people.
For 29+ years, I devoted my life to law enforcement, firefighting, and correctional work. Retired in 1995, I’m very familiar with a lot of investigations that occurred in the 80s and 90s against Donald Trump. That scum of the earth is a narcissist, sociopath, that only thinks of himself, and doesn’t care who he rolls over to achieve his ultimate goal. Staying in the spotlight. Which, we all must admit, he has done an outstanding job of doing.
He is continually holding his rallies, in his strong backed states, of course, to keep his ‘followers’ stirred up. He is the person, that for over 40 years, has been above the law, he thinks, and to date, has proven.
But, I’m old school. I was always taught by my dad that it doesn’t matter how high you climb that mountain. Sooner or later you must come down, back to earth. And, my best one. Doesn’t matter how big and powerful you get. You will crumble sooner or later. It’s inevitable.
Trump has created a group around him that he thinks is loyal to him. Those blocks are falling one my one. What’s sad is, he’s sacrificing them for his ulter-ego. Sadder is, none of them care, or even realize they are going to do his prison time. That’s what’s sad. People in this country have become so gullible to listen to someone like him and not realize he was duping them. Look where they all are now.
Questions come to mind:
1. How much longer is Donald Trump going to be a ‘free man’?
2. How much longer will it be before he is forced to testify before the January 6 committee?
3. Will he testify, or back out as he is having his other loyal followers do so Frey don’t gave to lie, and face more serious criminal charges?
4. How long will it be before Donald Trump is indicted by New York, or Georgia, or the many other places he’s under investigation for his criminal activity while being President of the United States?
Donald Trump made an absolute mockery of the office of the President, using it for his own personal gain. That’s shameful!