Hell yes down with the both sides nonsense. I’m so sick of them giving equal coverage to fascist liars who shouldn’t be given a platform ever. This is a great list of 6 things journalists absolutely need to practice. Well said.

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Equal Coverage? My eyes have seen the orange face more than any other!!

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you really hit the nail on the head when you said the media used to be a public service and not an income generator. How do we get it back to being a public service? And why are so many journalists so willing to support trump (by omission, but that comes out to support all the same) when he has made it clear the only persons who will be "ok" will be those who support him and the others will be punished, perhaps incarcerated. Are all these persons who call themselves journalists just spineless people who somehow got a job on a newspaper or local or national news show? Do they not care that they will never be able to report the truth after trump is elected and will they all be so very glad to work for fox news? They sure seem more like gossip columnists than journalists.

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How many here remember the wonderful movie “Network?“ It was incredibly prescient as we watched on screen a reliable news network turn into an income, generating show, where viewership as a revenue generator became more important than any factual content. One great line of the show was “I am mad as hell, and I’m not gonna take it anymore!” I think that represents a lot of us now when we look at how television news has degenerated.

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“We’re mad as hell and we’re not taking it any more !!!”.

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I loved Chayevsky's answer to one interviewer who asked him if he was predicting the future of news and he said, "No, I'm talking about now."

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Also saw the show on Broadway. Brian Cranston was fantastic in the Peter Finch role. He also was wonderful playing LBJ in “All the Way” on the stage. A truly gifted actor.

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I have never seen the movie or the play but I sure hope million of Americans are indeed mad as hell and are going to vote blue!

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Why are they so willing to support Trump? Orwell answered that long ago: "It is difficult to get a man to recognize the truth when his paycheck demands that he not recognize it."

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Well, that "paycheck" is now the rewards of 'say and do as we please' Self and Special Interest.

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Can we say what Trump said, but with some qualification, “some of the media is the enemy of democracy “.

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I asked a younger relative: "what would you say for $10 million a year?" Convinced him that needs to question what he is hearing and seeing.

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They are thinking only of their own career and doing what their boss wants. Should the country degrade into an autocracy (may that never happen!), they'd be writing whatever their boss at the digital party news rag wants them to write to make the powers that be look good and any supposed enemy look bad. Greed and self-interest kills just about anything that is good.

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His supporters have taken on his divisive personality, calling anything that exposes the monster that he is as fake news. The evangelical so-called "Christians" are the main reason so many of us have abandoned organized religion but not our beliefs. The best answer to your question is that Americans have bragged about their "exceptionalism" which really refers to negotiable values, hate and a stupidity that motivates them to vote on GOP created culture wars but always against their economic interests. We are a nation with fewer and fewer citizens with critical thinking skills.

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Our news will start more to resemble American Pravda should Trump be re-elected than an independent purveyor of facts and information, which is what it should be.

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I think we are there now.

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That depends upon which source we read, hear, or view. Faux Noise, OAN, Newsmax, Breitbart, The Drudge Report, Daily Mail (and others) are one thing. BBC World Service, The Guardian, Atlantic, and even the Washington Post and NYT are something else.

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Thank you - some excellent points on the media coverage.

I have a different viewpoint on the NY Times. A third generation reader, I cancelled my subscription in 2021 when I realized that I was watching live news one day and reading a totally different NYT report the next. This was not a difference of opinion, this was totally different facts being presented. Then there was one article that appeared to be copied directly from the prior days online NY Post including the spelling and grammar errors.

Currently BBC, 1440, AP, Reuters and DW are my go to sources.

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For the NYT to copy and/or quote an article verbatim from the NY Post without citing the source would be inexcusable. The NYT used to be responsible in its journalism. On the other hand, the NY Post is more known for its sensationalism than its accuracy. Our print media is suffering and in its fight for readers, advertisers, and profit a lot of cuts have been made, some obviously in integrity. How to get it back is unknown at this point.

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I agree - I just miss the professionalism and great journalism. My fear is that there is a whole generation of journalists who have only worked in this environment.

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I, too, wonder why journalist cannot Cleary define wrong info from right. I have thought that, when it comes to trump, they are afraid of being sued??

I also think that journalism as public service and not money generator hits the nail on the head.

How can we encourage the fourth estate to take up Mr. Rather's reminders?

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One answer I'd say is that the motive behind our entire society has been what Trump now epitomizes, which is too hard to contradict now: partisan 'say and do as we please,' wishful thinking, Self and Special Interest.

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Imagine standing on a pillar and spouting the naked truth anywhere in public. Our entire society is inebriated on wishful thinking and doing as we like. Our ears are plugged.

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Exactly ‼️

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Pat, you also hit the nail on the head. That is exactly my concern. We need to go back to the news and media being a public service. A new law is warranted that would assure that. When people stop trusting the news they end up believing whatever they want to believe. That is the end of reality as we know it. Unfortunately, this is the current situation we have now. It needs to change if we are going to make progress as a democracy and a people.

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Serving your country in elected office was also once considered public service. Now it is a stepping stone to fame and fortune.

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Yes, some reporters are spineless, but they also need the income/work. They just operate in tandem with the many, many spineless (mostly republicans) elected officials in local and national offices who have made the decision to go along to get along, and survive.

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I so fear for my country...I am 83. Why must we live like this? People are not even using their heads.

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FOX “NEWS” has helped get us in this mess & they finally must be stopped ‼️

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You would have thought when they were ALL caught in their lies this would have stopped!!!

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Absolutely Fox Noise is pure poison! It’s so said that so many people have no ability to question no ability to think critically! They just accept what ever Fox News tells them with out any doubt, no matter how crazy it sounds! I can’t even be in the same room if it’s on.

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I am on the months-away approach to 80, and I strongly support your words.

Never…ever… did I even remotely consider that we would be living in a time like this!

I know that there are legions of truly good people in our country, but those who support the likes of Trump either overtly or inadvertently are casting a dark , cold shadow that

Is exhausting . I will never give in to that, but the struggle is very real on a daily basis. I don’t want to live like this! Our country, warts and all, deserves so much better !

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I am 81 and I also fear for our country. It breaks my heart that so many like Trump no matter what he does or says🥰❤️🙏

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I too fear for my country. I am 79 and I never have felt so fearful ( except the night he was first elected). I said to my son yesterday "if I had money I would leave...where to I don't know but our country has failed us. If what he says about vaccines is a small reminder of how crazy he and his followers are, the country's children are in deep peril as we all are! Think about it...his followers are surely all vaccinated but they would kill or maim all the children??? WTH!

It is all so crazy, it would unbelievable except it is true.

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I too think of leaving but where? Hopefully Biden will win but we all must help.

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Barbara, you are not alone.

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I know exactly how you feel! We lived through so much in our years to now not understand what is going on in this country.

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And you find that surprising? Welcome to Trump World.

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surprising? NO! Just frustrating. I follow him daily.

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Well, my generation has helped put us here. Many discussions about the "good old days" when things were better (totally overlooking the point that our parents were responsible for the grown up stuff back then). We are simply selfish.

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Another great post Dan. Thank you so much. I love your Badge of Honor from Nixon. That is way cool. You deserve it. It's ironic though how we've and you too have come full circle. This time however is so much more frightening.

I was telling one friend how I feel like we're living in 1930's Germany right now but most everyone else is still asleep. Like Steve Schmidt said that's the number one threat we face this Election besides our dysfunctional Media is Voter apathy. We have a LOT of work to do if we want to stop the horrible menace of Trump and MAGA once and for all. I'm honored to be working along side of you in this fight. Thanks for your service to our country all these years and for your continued work. ❤️🇺🇸💙

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Thanks for sharing Craig. That was a great piece. So so scary though. We are truly living in a parallel universe of 1930's Germany right now. The problem is most people don't even realize it. By the time they do it could be too late.

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Talk about hitting the nail on the head! Thanks for posting this link, Craig. It was totally disturbing but totally worth the read.

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Exactly what I've been saying. Thanks for posting this because sometimes our posts are skimmed over but this additional piece gives others another view to think on helps!

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Yes, it is frightful reading!

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Steve Schmidt, who decided to make money one last time, going off to work for Dean Phillips and opposed Biden, despite all his oh-so-sincere BS on his Substack about how we all have to support Biden to prevent Trump's return. I turned that moron off the day he did that.

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He's not working for him anymore. He also apologized. The only thing he did was help Dean launch his campaign I believe. Steve is now full on for Biden and is fighting hard to stop Trump and MAGA. We need every voice we can get so I support him 100%. He is wise beyond his years about History and politics and people listen to him. He is far far from a moron. Just saying.

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We’ll find out how genuine he is after S EC hearings. I have a suspicion this was a money grab for Steve.

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No it wasnt . You need to read what he is writing these days. He is very much fighting for America and Biden. Here's an example:


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After subscribing and hearing him tell well in advance of introducing Dean Phillips, about how we need young and new blood in the party (btw, he was a lifelong republican) and then introduce some guy, Scott? he hammered on to my and others insistence that nono we need Biden, competent Biden not options. He swore up and down how this was his heart, he's a patriot he's all this stuff. I'm glad he's doing this now. Doesn't change the past or what the SEC will find. We shall wait and see. At the beginning and end of the day Steve Schmidt is a political analyst not a military veteran or shows any public service. A political analyst is a job that pays well. I don't begrudge anyone a good career. What is his career? He's spent his career pushing republicans, like McCain and Bush. He's for Biden now because it serves him and Biden is also the correct side of history at this moment. Win win. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Schmidt

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Thanks for saying that, TC. My feelings about Schmidt diminished totally when he took up Phillips.

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I think he just wanted someone who might make Biden rethink some of his policies and thereby IMPROVE his chances of winning. I don’t think he believed Phillips had any chance of reaching the general election. This is in the same democratic (small d) spirit of the Uncommitted vote in Michigan. They weren’t trying to get Trump elected, but to influence Biden, who seems to be blind to his power to stop the Gaza slaughter, which could in fact be a factor in losing to Trump. Trump’s supporters have no sympathy for crushed kids, and are convinced Jeesus will return when Israel rebuilds the temple. There is no point in trying to appeal to them to change course.

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I too feel like 1930‘s Germany but 2020‘s Germany might be the place to go!

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This slide into homogenized reporting and fear of offending sources began some time ago. We saw a big change when George W Bush started the ‘embedded’ reporters & banning photos of the caskets coming home so Americans wouldn’t see so many jarring images of reality. I remember watching a certain network he favored occasionally because what they reported from the WH one day would be on all the networks in a couple days. IOW, faux news had a direct line.

Now the people who poisoned the public trust use the distrust as a political weapon. We need ‘steady’ reporting with facts, not politics & quips for 10 second videos.

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"If I ask them tough questions, they won't come back on the show!" - Chuck Todd, regarding the way he dumbed-down Press the Meat.

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If they won't answer tough questions they don't deserve the exposure.

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For sure!! Does Fox News still say "Fair and Balanced" as their coverage slogan?! What a joke. 😆

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Like "All the news that''s fit to print". Unless it upsets our masters.

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As a former journalist, I strongly concur with ALL of your suggestions, Mr. Rather.

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Thank you for writing this piece! It needs to be read by every American citizen, and its prescriptions taught in civics classes all over our land.

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Unfortunately Beverly civics is not taught in many public schools anymore: especially in red states. And if it is it is so diluted, meager and void of critical thinking as to hardly be recognized.

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Back your hope with your vote. Ask yourself, "Can this country survive another Trump presidency?" And, yes, the question is intentionally rhetorical. Vote.

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It is wonderful to hear your memories of Watergate, Mr. Rather, set against the present circumstances. This context and perspective is one of the best things you can offer at this time in your life. In the 1970s there were limits to how much you and CBS could "defend" your reporting. But now you are independent and free, and can highlight the underlying principles of journalism at play. As you just noted, we live in more perilous times than even then. (And I hope you encourage students to look at your old tapes. I think some might be surprised at just how straight your White House reporting actually was.)

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Thank you for this. I’ve been so angry about the ways the two men are presented in the media

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A lie is still a lie, and when politicians keep lying, it's all our responsibility to call them out. Or at least the reporter that is listening to that lie.

Unfortunately Not ONE THAT I'VE SEEN SO FAR.


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Reporters need to hold the people they interview accountable to answer the questions posed. Politicians in particular like to go off on tangents; reporters need to rein them in.

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Mr. Rather, I couldn’t agree with you more on this topic! It is beyond frustrating to watch as the former President gets away with all of this many lies. There are too few journalists in today’s media that actually call him out. Any suggestions on how we can turn this around before that fool gets re-elected? Stay steady!!

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If we, the voters, don’t truly get involved & help get others involved, our complacency will help trump & Co. turn us into a fascist country!!

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I love this, Dan Rather. Keep speaking the truth!

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I've been talking about these issues. Thank you for finally speaking out about the state of today's journalists and journalism as a career. It is unrecognizable versus the old days, when intelligent people looked to the media for the truth. Now we can't rely on any of it.

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When the word 'news' was replaced with the word 'media' something happened. Investigative reporting started taking a back seat to sensationalism, click bait, and corporate profit. Newscasters became personalities, and news programs became shows that vied for ratings.

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Everything became about ratings and making money versus telling the truth. Thank you for your observation.

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We should all be lucky enough to be hated by Tricky Dickie

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DJT admired Nixon and they were pen pals. He flew Nixon on his jet to an event. Thinking about their behavior that way you can see parallels. DJT has said Nixon’s biggest mistake was not destroying the tapes. Nixon was in uncharted territory. DJT, not so much.


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Buddies with Nixon and Roy Cohn for a political teacher. And the son of a Nazi-lover.

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And Roger Stone!

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Thank you Dan for another well thought out essay on journalism. I wish we had more rats and fewer little yapping lap dogs in the press today. Trump and the Trumplican party hate your insights. Please keep putting the truth out there. Maybe it will move some to realize how important this election is to us, democracy and our country.

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So well-said, sir! BRAVO!

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