Thank you. You expressed all the reasons why I read Steady. I know that I needed this, someone to state my thought and feelings out loud.

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Much of what Dan Rather writes is kind and welcoming. But his posts also accept the Corporatist structure we have which promotes censorship and totalitarian control by those institutions. When CEO's made 25x what they paid their average worker the idea was 'it wasn't so bad here.' People were paying their bills--if you were white and middle class. Colleges were expanding and tthat was seen as great progress especially when women were being allowed in more easily. However, that was also when industry needed highly skilled workers and schools needed teachers to train them for industry. That period ended by the 1970's when industry began to move elsewhere. Technology was developing and being used to replace workers except in the computer/financial spheres but even that is done for. AI has been on the drawing board for decades to eliminate this entire layer of workers. WE need journalists who will not just give us pacifying, pleasantries. WE need investigative journalists who will confront the corporate structure that is destroying the lives of the public. And the medical industry needs to be at the top of the list along with the military that works in cahoots with Big Pharma. How many people know these covid drugs were developed with the DOD contracting with the drug corps. Huh? What is the military doing in the drug business. Oh, yes, they are heavily invested bioweaponry which is exactly what these covid drugs are. One only has to read the contracts with Pfizer, as one example, to know this. Or read the patents filed and see who is working on them! There is no nice guy in that arena and we need journalists who will stand up. The horrors of the situation today are seen in how journalists will not stand up for Julian Assange, a journalist, an Australian who never worked in the US is being railroaded under the espionage act for printing material given to him that embarasses the US. Freedom of speech? If/when Assange goes down as it happening now, there will never be freedom of speech or freedom of the press. This is what we need to be reading about, not being given sweet tasting lolliops.

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So appreciate your insights Dan Rather!

This world and its issues are so complicated and you help capture the nuance without fear and with honesty to try and catch truth where it can be found

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Dan - with you always and all the way!!!

Standing ovation for you, thank you, thank you. 🤗❤️

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The articles are always interesting and a pleasure to read.

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Alert: Suspicious contact <danrather318@gmail.com>

Tue 7/11/2023 5:09 PM

"Thank you🙏 I’m glad you’re a member of my community ❤️ hope everything is fine over there

"you can I just say how much I appreciate your support it’s not easy covering these topics,Recently I updated my community on how to help people understand their financial lives through debt payoff

way to create the financial future they deserve with investing on beating debt, making more money and making your money work for you.…"

Please investigate and remove this blight on the Steady community.

Clearly this is written by an imposter!!

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Thanks for this info!

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Jul 12, 2023
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Me too.

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Hello Mr. Rather. I enjoy STEADY! I read it every day like I said, it is a good read, and it is great to have information. That’s so true. I have been a fan of yours, like I said, in my note, since you were a reporter out of Vietnam. Anyway, it was nice to have you follow up after Walter Cronkite And what you’ve done with your partner is just another piece of you that relates to me and to everyone else you’re great always have been and always will be. Stay capital STEADY!

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Really glad I'm part of the Steady family. I enjoy your take on problems we have & always encouraged by the hope you offer. Even moreso by the responses others write. Thank you & keep on trucking.

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It is a great pleasure to read the truth in every STEADY post. Thanks

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Onward and Steady!

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Thank you both for providing such "steady" commentary and reassurance that all is not wrong with the world. I look forward to reading each newsletter and it reinforces my belief that we will go forward in a "steady" march toward a better future. Thank YOU!

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Thank you for 500! You helped me stay steady during the pandemic and I am looking forward to your steady voice of hopeful reason to guide us through what is likely to be an unnerving election next year.

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Dan, I grew up in Texas watching you on the evening news. So good to connect with you again here on Substack. Thank you both for all you do!

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Congratulations, Dan & Elliott! So glad that I have been able to travel this journey with the two of you. Please keep on keeping on, as my Grandmother used to say. Hopefully, I will still be around when #1000 arrives. In the meantime, Courage!

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Thank you for 500 letters. I am so very grateful I found you.

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Congratulations, Dan! Truly a milestone and thanks for your continuing efforts to make us all smile now and again! I do like your "STEADY" encouragment to us all. But I can recall the word you would use to close your daily evening news back in the day, "COURAGE." As you also occasionally remind us of the mounting crises we all face today, may I suggest you ending those daily "STEADY" pieces wiith the word, "COURAGE" every now and again.

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