Stopping Trump is VERY important. It is essential.
But if you are at a polling place, or filling out an mail-in ballot, you need to vote in every race: Local, state, and national.
The Republicans need to be taught that their dalliance with extremism can't go unpunished. They need to be kept off of school boards, out of city councils. They need to lose their majorities in state legislatures. They need to lose the House and a dozen senate seats.
What if, instead of talking about Trump losing, we talk about Biden, Harris, and Democrats winning? What if Democrats could do a better job of networking and instead of ignoring people like Marianne Williamson, we could figure out a way to join forces? Are Democrats taking advantage of the loyalty, scholarship, and wisdom of Heather Cox Richardson? What if we really get serious about what we want re the big picture of democracy instead of focusing our energy on what we donтАЩt want?
everyone I know (including a woman who is a journalist and a "treasure of Santa Fe") reading Heather Cox Richardson, every day. AND most of my friends are done with the toddler, and have moved onto paying attention to other issues/people/etc.
Also Robert HubbellтАЩs TodayтАЩs Edition on Substack and Jessica CravenтАЩs Chop Wood, Carry Water. He is a retired attorney who encourages activism with links to organizations fighting for our democracy. She has talking points every day to suggest to your legislators as well as roundups of all the good accomplishments the Biden administration is making as well as good news from many other pro-democracy organizations. The more we know, the more we ourselves can publicize the good stuff. Another source for information about what the Biden administration is accomplishing is We all must тАЬtake arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing, end them.тАЬ
I would like to see the Dems fund the Lincoln Project to create all their ads. They can get an ad out responding to an event faster and better than anyone in politics today. Nobody is even close. With national funding they can create more for state races.
I understand fighting fire with fire, but I'm uncomfortable with (though often entertained by, but sometimes offended by) their trolling. Slinging mud as a means to an end is not justified. The day may come when they return to being Republicans slinging mud at candidates who don't deserve it.
I think they frame the message in a way that appeals to an audience, knowing that if they hit the mark, they have a chance at succeeding in their goal. The Democrats need some fire, and their messaging is clearly missing the mark.
It would be interesting to see what TLP's stance would be if someone like Baker or Hogan was the Republican frontrunner. Which goes to your second point. Though that fantasy world would be very different, and perhaps difficult, for the Democrats with or without TLP.
You make some good points. Frankly, I'd welcome a return to sanity and centrism on both sides. All of us in the population are in the middle of the bell curve. Neither party has all the right answers. The system was designed for good-faith compromise between disparate viewpoints. Both parties participate in gerrymandering, for example. I do think that the GOP has been using unfair practices that undermine the goodness in our system for awhile now, more than the Dems. And lately (with Trump in particularly, but starting with Newt,) the GOP has completely gone off the rails and no longer supports our current system of government. I concede that we have to save our Republic first and maybe you have to go low to land some punches where it counts with those you need to reach, but it's not a path I would take. It may be effective, particularly in the short term, but I think ultimately contributes to the problem in the long-term.
Marianne Williamson nevertheless represents a not insignificant number of people who embrace spirituality as a counter to options like the Christian Democrats. She'll never become president, but what was suggested was not that we get behind her candidacy, but let her have a seat at the table in formulating a vision for the future of America that goes beyond the cult of selfishness and greed.
Williamson is a person who's mature, people-savvy, honest, confident in herself, both smart and intelligent, has definite ideas about things, is compassionate and inclusive. In short, not a politician. And IMO, those are all desirable qualities in a President.
She is working toward a complete paradigm shift in American society, a health care system instead of an illness care system, for example. I applaud her courage in speaking and making the case for more compassion and care. I'm not sure whether she's just using the platform or really running for office.
Even if she's just using the platform, more power to her. That paradigm shift is vital to fixing the inequality and the spiritual as well as the physical ills of this country.
Oh, brilliant, Dianne! Much better to put out there what you actually want. George Lakoff, in his work on framing, points out that what you give attention to, you energize, essentially. So constantly dwelling on what's-his-name only emphasizes him. He should be consigned to irrelevance in the MSM, absent actual news. Say, word of his convictions.
Also, your concept of joining forces is one that would lead to the most intelligent, inclusive party. As you imply, the DNC always decides on the candidate it wants, then dumps everyone else, along with everyone else's ideas. That's a strategy doomed to alienate a significant percentage of voters, from what I've observed over the years.
So True! If the Dems had not insisted on Clinton in 2016 and had instead been conscious of our times and backed Bernie Sanders, he's have left Trump in the dust. In Trump's campaign, he actually promoted many of the things Bernie stood for, only he was, as always, just lying through his teeth. I have even heard many Trump supporters say that if Sanders had been the Dem candidate, they'd have voted for him.
I usually get bashed when I say that HRC was a bad choice, but I agree with you completely, John. Not only has Hillary been a perennial corporate shill, she's a cold, calculating, off-putting elitist. She doesn't connect with voters, and obviously doesn't care. Yep, Bernie would have been a better choice, by orders of magnitude. But Wall Street wanted Hillary, so the DNC tanked Bernie's campaign in her favor.
I know what you mean about the bashing. I get it too. I was appalled when she emerged as the candidate out of a pool of much better choices - including Warre and Sanders. But let me add that I've also remained a little pissed at Bernie Sanders for not pushing a write in or third-party campaign, as I feel certain even in that scenario, he'd have won, and would have broken the iron grip of the Duopoly in the process.
Agree totally, John. Not sure what Bernie's chances would have been running third-party, but I would have liked to have seen him try. His stated plan of reforming the Dems from within was doomed to fail, as their quashing of his candidacy proved.
The MSM, Corporate America, will never cover this Administration fairly or objectively. Where's the outrage that the GOP still denies climate change and it's causes?
Have you watched MSNBC recently? Nicolle Wallace , Ari Melber, Joy Reid, Rachel Maddow and many of their frequent guest commentators (Glen Kirschner, Andrew Weissman, Jen Psaki, Joyce Vance, Neal Katyal) are calling out all the BS coming out of the Right. I often worry that it could be construed as bias, like Fox but honestly, the difference is they provide plenty of facts to back up what they're sharing. Some of them are former Republicans who abandoned ship once they saw the garbage coming out of Trump's camp.
I'm well aware of actual journalists and qualified commentators. But they're the exception. And still the owners limit what can be covered and how it's handled.
News channels should be focused on climate change and the future of our planet. Gun violence and public opinion regarding regulations should be non-stop. The corruption of SCOTUS, Saudi Arabian influence in our country, Israeli attacks on Palestinians are just a few of the issues they won't cover.
Teri Kanefield, Joyce Vance and Robert Reich are also well worth reading. With you, and all of them I feel there are grownups out there who are wise, intelligent and mighty knowledgeable, so all is not lost!
Thank you - even if because of you, I neglected my dishes this morning. ЁЯдЧ It was easy to get hooked on HartmannтАЩs YouTube explanation of neoliberalism. Excellent program!
I am not at all excited about the 2024 elections but am certainly motivated. Our country is at risk of no longer being a democracy. I agree with the comments of others that every office from our local officials and school board members all the way to President are important. We seem unable to be thoughtful and civil. There are great ideas out there if we could just listen to each other and stop believing the other person is automatically wrong because they don't think as I do. What ever happened to debate and compromise, doing what is best for our fellow man and the nation. We are teaching the next generation that selfishness and hate are ok, and don't get me started on those who teach violence is the way to settle a dispute. I certainly understand the desire to just not participate because neither party is totally aligned with my beliefs and values, however I do not believe we are at a point where a true independent or alternative party could win. I plead with everyone to do your duty as a citizen and really research each candidate before you give them your vote. Vote for those who care about us, our city, state, country and not just themselves and power.
Biden invited Ms. Richardson to the White House and did a one-on-one interview with her, so I think that qualifies as taking advantage of her platform. Yes, would love to see more of that.
Thank you. I wish we could all be on a mission to change our conversation and energy toward staying laser focused on a system that embraces achievements and advantages of democracy. I am pretty sure Olympic and professional athletes focus on strategies that help them win. How can we embrace the methods of successful athletes, musicians, entrepreneurs, artists, and keep our passions in front of us? Whenever I am tempted to think negatively, I try to remember to ask myself, тАЬWill this line of thinking help me accomplish what I want?тАЭ If I want a nicer looking yard, for example, how will it help my space if I focus on my neighborтАЩs weeds? (This is hypothetical- I have great neighbors.)
You make a good point but if your neighbors weeds start encroaching on your yard, then it becomes your problem to deal with. Same goes for protecting our freedoms.
MSM will never give fair coverage to progressive voices. They are too busy trying to outFox Fox News and moving to the right extreme to get corporate donors and clicks
I agree absolutely 100% That is the reason I kept my (YUK) Rep-ub status switched as I switvhed in 22--5) after 50 yrs voting Democratic !!!). I was Glad to vote for Liz in primary- IN TOTAL red Wyoming . I am so horrified with the maggots with support $$$ from T-rump: like Chuck Gray, H.Hag, and the supposedly moderate Supt of Schools who ISNT moderate at all!! but here. I will ALWAYS vote BLUE in Nov: in Aug Rep Primary I can help ,moderate maggot influences & a lot of my Wyo friends feel this way. Idaho was way; when I lived there 17 yrs I lived in a rare BLUE County & had good Dem senator and Reps. when we moved to Wyo in 1984.. we had a great Dem Gov.Ed .Herschler, and reasonable moderate Repub reps, I did vote for them.!!Hard for this Blue girl living in Maga Red Wyo., I was in Id. when Gov Freudenthal & Gov Mead were good moderates. Thank you so much Dan and Elliot!
A cartoonist did a cartoon about how the political world has changed and one guy said that he can't believe how our country has changed politically. The other one answered: "Tell me about- I woke up this morning & was upset Liz Cheney LOST her Wyo Senate the primary". I NEVER expected to ever vote or feel that way about Liz,( never ever as a Blue democrat from 1st vote in 72,) I had switched to Republican here in Wyoming when When Trump backed HarI Harri Hagman.( hardly anyone likes and SHE LIES about making anything better for average wyo people) switched from reg repug to support Trump. !!!Hag LIES too much- she was an attorney for land lawsuits in Colorado. I . and I wanted to vote also against Chuck Gray( he lied also when he ran as repug house.ative in Casper and was mine- he passed NO bills of any merit.Trump backed him and he got the Sec of STate position also...he will manipulate any possible benefits to himself-they lost license several yrs since he listed himself as employee of his father's radio station company BUT they had lost that licence several yrs before: and his FATHRER was his ONLY CONTRIBUTOR TO THAT CAMPAIGN!!!!
I agree. I see them as 2 parts of the same issue, trump and trumpism. He has not been in office since Jan 2021 but his acolytes in Congress and in states are still taking instructions from him. He is still their template for the future. The тАЬdown ballotтАЭ is important to defeat trump and his influence.
You nailed it. I donтАЩt believe the elections in Florida and Texas are legitimate because the voting mechanisms are controlled by Republican Sec of States. It all starts with the legislatures. Democrats who fail to vote in local and state elections need to get smart.
Stefan, excellent point. May I add that you need to know what the candidates stand for. Several friends voted for George Santos simply because he was on the ballot and they vote a straight ticket. No clue who or what he is.
When I lived in the Los Angeles area, the office of the Registrar of Voters for Los Angeles County also sent out voter guides, though I wish they had been as detailed as Oregon's are; they sound as though they could be a viable model for the rest of the states!
Traveling Texan, you are totally right. We have to not only vote blue but WORK blue. Register voters. Canvass neighborhoods. Speak out at gatherings. Put signs in our yards. Getting involved on a local level with your democratic party is an excellent way to accomplish these things.
My husband likes to say that the only Democrat that could lose to Trump was Hilary тАЬF****тАЭ Clinton (pardon the French) - so many people absolutely hated her and the fact that the Democratic Party felt that it was тАЬher turnтАЭ that they would vote for absolutely anyone else - and they did! We have a few friends who voted for Trump because of thisтАжin the interest of maintaining friendships, we havenтАЩt actually asked them how they felt about their devilтАЩs deal. In fact, my husband has repeatedly said that he would like to see a Constitutional Amendment barring near family members from holding the Presidency (husband, wife, father, son, daughter, etc). ItтАЩs true that our revolution was fought to prevent hereditary monarchy and тАЬdivine right,тАЭ so maybe it makes sense. I tell him itтАЩll never happen and IтАЩm not sure that it should. However thereтАЩs no denying that Ms Clinton was not a popular or electable candidate.
Secretary Clinton was vilified by republicans for decades & thatтАЩs the main reason some people didnтАЩt like her. I hope voters have learned to reject
republican character assassinations since they have little to no basis in facts. Most character assassinations are a manipulation that appeals to
And so she was the one who lost between Dem presidents. As you say, not electable. Sad for many reasons - not the least being she was eminently better qualified.
Aside from other issues like decades of conspiracy theories intended to destroy the Clintons тАж HRC was not a тАШnaturalтАЩ candidate. It was unwise to call any group of people (particularly ones who vote) тАШdeplorable.тАЩ It was made for memes moment as was donnieтАЩs тАШnastyтАЩ women stuff. But you just donтАЩt carry states where people feel forgotten by saying your administration will close down their employers and finish off their industry. Then talk about how this will work out well for everyone. (The ears had closed. TheyтАЩve heard the job training thing before.)
The тАШformulaтАЩ is - uplifting opening, with the good news. X number of jobs are in the plan, etc. The less happy news (the energy market is shifting you workers must be quipped to keep up) And close on a positive note: we will have your back; this is doable, then on to the next issue or questions.
I believe this is an area where the Dems have improved.
I suppose thatтАЩs one way to look at it. Unfortunately there is that pesky Electoral College Act that means a close popular vote does not automatically open the door to the White House.
donnie gotti and helpers were totally focused on the EC. He had 304 electoral votes to her 227. She needed more votes from people who felt she didnтАЩt care & were afraid of her policies.
In NY she had won a Senate seat. Rudy is still probably peeved about having to drop out of the primary.
I agree that is too bad. But itтАЩs also a fact that insulting voters brings backlash & no one gets votes from people who a candidate announces policies that will devastate them & and then burying the rest in a long explanation. Who does that? I donтАЩt know why it happened; I do know you lead with the GOOD news - the jobs that will come and what happens if the US does not lead. Then this will provide the transitions workers need etc.
Not right off the bat take credit for planning to eliminate their jobs. I found it baffling. What is said in OH does not stay in OH. It is the kind of thing that tells people an administration will trample them & leave them behind. Especially because Obama was already getting blamed for the decline of the industry.
The election was a huge missed opportunity. I donтАЩt know when we will see another.
You make an excellent point. I have her book about her take on her campaign. I need to read it. Her clumsiness combined with the years of demonization by the GOP and electoral college strategy gave us trump. We were out-foxed. However, itтАЩs important to remember that Clinton won the popular vote in spite of all that.
When Gore won the popular vote & lost the election I think people figured it was an anomaly. Probably the biggest thing HRC winning the popular vote did was show it is possible for a woman to run, be taken seriously and a woman could win тАж but not likely in my lifetime.
IтАЩve not read her book. From reviews, I believe she acknowledged missteps including the comments re: coal miners.
I already stated she was eminently more qualified. That doesnтАЩt change the result. Nor is it misogynistic to point out she needed the EC majority to be elected.
My guess is you didnтАЩt try to garner support for her in the Southeast from people who previously voted for her husband but were personally offended and downright angry & frightened because of the way she announced that an HRC administration would eliminate the industry supporting their communities and with its demise, eliminate their jobs.
It was an avoidable error. It was unfortunate she did not show her most personable side until late in the campaign. Even more unfortunate was her 1996 comment while campaigning for her husband where she talked about тАЬsuper predatorsтАЭ. Not only has that haunted her but it has been incorrectly pinned on Biden.
RudyтАЩs campaign was about to dissolve only because RudyтАЩs personal life imploded in public & he withdrew citing cancer treatment leaving the party 11 days to find someone else. The week before, unreported at the time polling, had dire warnings for Clinton from key voting groups:
41.3% of Jewish voters, 52.7% of whites and 55.9% of suburban voters would not back her under any circumstances.
As for misogyny, save the label for people who would not vote for her because she was a woman & some of her campaignsтАЩ approaches; initially giving males who had been with the ClintonтАЩs since BillтАЩs campaigns the upper hand. Including Mark Penn who was her chief strategist in her Senate and 2008 campaign. I specifically remember watching on live television when MP with a group of men representing her candidacy tried to get a rule change by browbeating and talking over the chairwoman. It was such a bad episode that I donтАЩt even remember the result or the topic. I probably had my fill and changed the channel. Adding more women and younger people was one of her better moves the 2nd time around.
Let me say, The enemy will always try to turn your savior (for lack of a better word right now) into the enemy! Hillary was a great public servant, not to mention brilliant as Hell! She was highly-qualified and dedicated to root out some of the republican corruption, and their trampling all over the constitution! But, so many people were fooled by a fool and a con! As a result, the USA has lost it's reverence in the eye of most other countries, and is in turmoil within!
Unless and Until Americans; especially the majority American, wakes up to the truth, that American must right the wrongs of its past within its own borders, it will continue in the downward spiral it's currently experiencing! And, that's the truth!!
I liked Ms Clinton a lot. The gop demonized her and it worked. Your friends who voted for trump because they didnтАЩt like Clinton was exactly what the gop wanted them to do. So sorry your friends were deluded.
If she had shown womanly courage instead of political ambition she might still be in the White House. She misjudged the effect staying with her philandering mate had on the electorate and we are all still paying the price.
But why is Sec. ClintonтАЩs decision to stay with her husband any of our business? President Clinton was a good president. His personal foibles are nothing,
Maybe. I didnтАЩt care about her staying married to a man who couldnтАЩt keep his fly zipped. So they elected a man who canтАЩt keep his hands to himself. No logic.
I didnтАЩt think there was a snowballтАЩs chance in hell that TFG would win in 2016 - but look what happened. His cultists donтАЩt care that he has been impeached or indicted and they will vote for him even if he is convicted and in prison. This country needs to change the rules for who can run for president, especially to assure that nobody with trumpтАЩs тАЬcredentialsтАЭ will ever be allowed in any public office again.
There are very few no brainers under the law. John Eastman, a so-called law professor, demonstrated that anything and everything is possible when a demented legal mind is involved in attempting to justify anything lawyers are paid to attempt to justify.
I heard Preet Berara talk about this on his podcast the other day. HeтАЩs convinced itтАЩs a non-starter, just like the 25th Amendmemy talk when T**** was still in office. We have to vote him out and encourage others to do so.
The problem is that people don't want to admit they're wrong. You can give hundreds of facts, show tons of videos of Trump saying he lost, but people won't listen.
I heard on a news opinion that because the 14th amendment is so old and never really used, it would be difficult to get it used in court as a way to deny Trump of running.
Does anyone really understand the details of how this amendment can be used? I've heard and read numerous 'constitutional scholars' talk about it, and explain it ad nauseam, and not one has listed the steps, item by item, in plain english, required to actually utilize this amendment to prevent trump from running. From what I can tell it is 'pie in the sky' wishful thinking. If it was that easy don't you think they would be preparing it instead of talking about it? Rally the votes and do it now...or live with chaos until he croaks...and then live with his wannabes.
Disqualification has to be state by state, so initiating that process will add fuel to the already raging fire of тАЬelection interference.тАЭ Chitoman and his down ballot maggots need to be on every ballot and be royally trounced. That will start to get us on a rational track. DonтАЩt just vote. Participate in working for great local candidates, especially in-person canvassing. It works.
Thank you. He broke all the norms right from the beginning. I couldnтАЩt believe that the few norms were not codified. I guess it was never needed because candidates were willing to do those few things like provide income. The founding fathers never imagined trump.
My mother, who said that If she died it was because of trump, was surprised like you that so many things she thought were law were just traditions that trump broke. She died of a massive heart attack in October 2018. TrumpтАЩs fault according to her.
According to me, too. As far as I'm concerned that craven criminal has ruined the last 8 years of my life. It's a struggle to hope for better when we see corruption at every turn. Vote blue, right down the ballot. Make sure people are able to get to the polls, or to receive mail-in ballots. If people are standing for hours in the hot sun, bring them water. In the rain, bring them umbrellas. No-one is coming to rescue us. We have to do it for ourselves.
There is a law already, the 14 amendment but the media doesn't push that on the news. Maybe people like the garbage that comes out of trump and his supporters.
I am convinced there is an appetite for this. Think about reality tv. People used to bring picnic lunches to watch hangings in England and lynchings in the US.
Fair but he also wasnтАЩt facing 4 criminal indictments and hadnтАЩt had a failed coup, two impeachments, a public fight with both Fox News and the rnc, a disastrous economic records, etc. they didnтАЩt know him in 2015. He has a record now.
And Vivek (BS-ing) suggesting he was the best president in the last 20 years! And NO ONE seems to ask the glaringly appropriate question: тАЬIn what way was he a great president? Give me three examples.тАЭ
He had a record back then of stiffing it to workers and cheating on his wives. There was never anything secret about this creep. The Republicans were desperate to win at any cost and Putin was only to happy to help them out with disinformation, slander, and lies.
I'm not sure I agree with that. He's so far ahead in the polls and while the election is so far off, each time he's indicted, his popularity and fund raising seems to grow even higher, pulling in millions of dollars.
I don't get it. I don't understand how someone who makes Nixon's Watergate look like kindergarten antics is so popular and gains popularity as time goes on.
Maggie Haberman's book "Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America" should be required reading by every American.
He is popular- WITH HIS BASE. Unfortunately for the desires of corporate media, that is nowhere near half the country, no matter how much they want it to be (so EXCITING!!! PERFECT clickbait!!!).
It's not that simple. If Trump is convicted, you would still have the same ideology of thinking by the mega Republican party and the Republican candidates. People must be well informed about the issues in this country. We must also address racism which has mimniputed people
into fear of not having their own country. This alone is ludicrous thinking because this country belongs to all of us.
Good points, Patricia, but after this summer I think Global Warming is very high on the list of normally intelligent people (which, unfortunately leave out the MAGA cult)
Racism is a factor in some voters' decisions (usually negative, but sometimes redounding to become a positive factor). It's only one factor, however. Geographic locality also plays a role in choosing a Vice President for "balance" on the ticket. That said, the Republicans are not stupid, and they recognize that Harris's race could be a positive for the minority vote, so now we have the counter of Ramaswamy and Nikki. A large block of demonstrators were outside the Georgia "surrender" media circus; they were all wearing "Blacks for Trump" t-shirts. Whenever I see large numbers of ethnic or racial voters doing that, I believe it increases divisiveness, lessens us as "We, the People." I just wish the media had chosen to interview one of the Georgia spectators with the question of "Why" are you for Trump; what has he done to improve your group's lot in life?"
This first, everything else mentioned in the article must follow. We need to find some way to bridge the division created DELIBERATELY by the last president.
OK, my commit got buried,, shorter here to me and the day I came up with,
My Name is NoBody, (1vs160) was after hearing Ted Cruz. Saying after 60+ Cases.
Ted, " I am here to fight for your Constitution and Freedom" BS. When or adding too then Texas AG, now impeached. Going for another case, on 1800`s law or clause. To send back to the State, Congress to do the picking- vote.
ME important part here, we lost or one party lost on, Our, 3-Branch System of check and balance.
This system breaks we break.
NOTE: why, We after 2003 from I heard from Congress first and then and again by Bush on passing the Patriot Act. "The Constitution just an old piece of paper". You know, they Impeached themselves, right then and there. We have too many bought into this thought. The constitution is outdated and needs to be replaced. This to me is Our Battle.
There is only one issue. Stopping Trump. Every other issue or concern pales in comparison.
I respectfully disagree.
Stopping Trump is VERY important. It is essential.
But if you are at a polling place, or filling out an mail-in ballot, you need to vote in every race: Local, state, and national.
The Republicans need to be taught that their dalliance with extremism can't go unpunished. They need to be kept off of school boards, out of city councils. They need to lose their majorities in state legislatures. They need to lose the House and a dozen senate seats.
What if, instead of talking about Trump losing, we talk about Biden, Harris, and Democrats winning? What if Democrats could do a better job of networking and instead of ignoring people like Marianne Williamson, we could figure out a way to join forces? Are Democrats taking advantage of the loyalty, scholarship, and wisdom of Heather Cox Richardson? What if we really get serious about what we want re the big picture of democracy instead of focusing our energy on what we donтАЩt want?
everyone I know (including a woman who is a journalist and a "treasure of Santa Fe") reading Heather Cox Richardson, every day. AND most of my friends are done with the toddler, and have moved onto paying attention to other issues/people/etc.
Good news Re HCR- thereтАЩs hope!
Yes, I read Heather Cox Richardson AND Robert Reich. If you don't receive his newsletter, you should as well.
Also Robert HubbellтАЩs TodayтАЩs Edition on Substack and Jessica CravenтАЩs Chop Wood, Carry Water. He is a retired attorney who encourages activism with links to organizations fighting for our democracy. She has talking points every day to suggest to your legislators as well as roundups of all the good accomplishments the Biden administration is making as well as good news from many other pro-democracy organizations. The more we know, the more we ourselves can publicize the good stuff. Another source for information about what the Biden administration is accomplishing is We all must тАЬtake arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing, end them.тАЬ
Also Brian Taylor Cohen podcast
Thank you!
You forgot Joyce Vance and justice matters
Right. Add her Civil Discourse substack to your reading list.
IтАЩm not familiar with Justice Matters.
Glenn kirschner.
Ex. Federal prosecutor and army jag
Think you would like him
IтАЩve seen him on MSNBC.
It's a podcast.
thanks for the recommendations!
I've added all of them! thanks!
Thank you!
And don't neglect Thom Hartmann
Yes ЁЯСПЁЯП╗ both are terrific.
I would like to see the Dems fund the Lincoln Project to create all their ads. They can get an ad out responding to an event faster and better than anyone in politics today. Nobody is even close. With national funding they can create more for state races.
I understand fighting fire with fire, but I'm uncomfortable with (though often entertained by, but sometimes offended by) their trolling. Slinging mud as a means to an end is not justified. The day may come when they return to being Republicans slinging mud at candidates who don't deserve it.
I think they frame the message in a way that appeals to an audience, knowing that if they hit the mark, they have a chance at succeeding in their goal. The Democrats need some fire, and their messaging is clearly missing the mark.
It would be interesting to see what TLP's stance would be if someone like Baker or Hogan was the Republican frontrunner. Which goes to your second point. Though that fantasy world would be very different, and perhaps difficult, for the Democrats with or without TLP.
You make some good points. Frankly, I'd welcome a return to sanity and centrism on both sides. All of us in the population are in the middle of the bell curve. Neither party has all the right answers. The system was designed for good-faith compromise between disparate viewpoints. Both parties participate in gerrymandering, for example. I do think that the GOP has been using unfair practices that undermine the goodness in our system for awhile now, more than the Dems. And lately (with Trump in particularly, but starting with Newt,) the GOP has completely gone off the rails and no longer supports our current system of government. I concede that we have to save our Republic first and maybe you have to go low to land some punches where it counts with those you need to reach, but it's not a path I would take. It may be effective, particularly in the short term, but I think ultimately contributes to the problem in the long-term.
You had me until you said Marianne Williamson. The Ramaswami of Democrats.
Me too
Marianne Williamson nevertheless represents a not insignificant number of people who embrace spirituality as a counter to options like the Christian Democrats. She'll never become president, but what was suggested was not that we get behind her candidacy, but let her have a seat at the table in formulating a vision for the future of America that goes beyond the cult of selfishness and greed.
I need to clarify: I misspoke. I meant to say Christian Nationalists, not Christian Democrats. Apologies to anyone I may have offended.
GREAT comment, John! A seat at the table is exactly right!
Do you know what she stands for James, what her positions are?
I have heard her speak, and know her history. She is unqualified. Nice ideas do not make a president.
She's more qualified than most politicians who run for office. Just being honest and not a corporate creature clears that bar.
She did not seem presidential. But then again neither did Trump. Ever.
Williamson is a person who's mature, people-savvy, honest, confident in herself, both smart and intelligent, has definite ideas about things, is compassionate and inclusive. In short, not a politician. And IMO, those are all desirable qualities in a President.
She is working toward a complete paradigm shift in American society, a health care system instead of an illness care system, for example. I applaud her courage in speaking and making the case for more compassion and care. I'm not sure whether she's just using the platform or really running for office.
Even if she's just using the platform, more power to her. That paradigm shift is vital to fixing the inequality and the spiritual as well as the physical ills of this country.
Williamson? No. Everything else yes.
Oh, brilliant, Dianne! Much better to put out there what you actually want. George Lakoff, in his work on framing, points out that what you give attention to, you energize, essentially. So constantly dwelling on what's-his-name only emphasizes him. He should be consigned to irrelevance in the MSM, absent actual news. Say, word of his convictions.
Also, your concept of joining forces is one that would lead to the most intelligent, inclusive party. As you imply, the DNC always decides on the candidate it wants, then dumps everyone else, along with everyone else's ideas. That's a strategy doomed to alienate a significant percentage of voters, from what I've observed over the years.
So True! If the Dems had not insisted on Clinton in 2016 and had instead been conscious of our times and backed Bernie Sanders, he's have left Trump in the dust. In Trump's campaign, he actually promoted many of the things Bernie stood for, only he was, as always, just lying through his teeth. I have even heard many Trump supporters say that if Sanders had been the Dem candidate, they'd have voted for him.
I usually get bashed when I say that HRC was a bad choice, but I agree with you completely, John. Not only has Hillary been a perennial corporate shill, she's a cold, calculating, off-putting elitist. She doesn't connect with voters, and obviously doesn't care. Yep, Bernie would have been a better choice, by orders of magnitude. But Wall Street wanted Hillary, so the DNC tanked Bernie's campaign in her favor.
I know what you mean about the bashing. I get it too. I was appalled when she emerged as the candidate out of a pool of much better choices - including Warre and Sanders. But let me add that I've also remained a little pissed at Bernie Sanders for not pushing a write in or third-party campaign, as I feel certain even in that scenario, he'd have won, and would have broken the iron grip of the Duopoly in the process.
Agree totally, John. Not sure what Bernie's chances would have been running third-party, but I would have liked to have seen him try. His stated plan of reforming the Dems from within was doomed to fail, as their quashing of his candidacy proved.
The MSM, Corporate America, will never cover this Administration fairly or objectively. Where's the outrage that the GOP still denies climate change and it's causes?
Have you watched MSNBC recently? Nicolle Wallace , Ari Melber, Joy Reid, Rachel Maddow and many of their frequent guest commentators (Glen Kirschner, Andrew Weissman, Jen Psaki, Joyce Vance, Neal Katyal) are calling out all the BS coming out of the Right. I often worry that it could be construed as bias, like Fox but honestly, the difference is they provide plenty of facts to back up what they're sharing. Some of them are former Republicans who abandoned ship once they saw the garbage coming out of Trump's camp.
I'm well aware of actual journalists and qualified commentators. But they're the exception. And still the owners limit what can be covered and how it's handled.
News channels should be focused on climate change and the future of our planet. Gun violence and public opinion regarding regulations should be non-stop. The corruption of SCOTUS, Saudi Arabian influence in our country, Israeli attacks on Palestinians are just a few of the issues they won't cover.
True. All true.
HCR is wonderful. So glad I have discovered her!
Teri Kanefield, Joyce Vance and Robert Reich are also well worth reading. With you, and all of them I feel there are grownups out there who are wise, intelligent and mighty knowledgeable, so all is not lost!
And once again, don't neglect Thom Hartmann! ;-)
Thank you - even if because of you, I neglected my dishes this morning. ЁЯдЧ It was easy to get hooked on HartmannтАЩs YouTube explanation of neoliberalism. Excellent program!
Thank you for the
recommendations and for the inspiration to ask myself when challenged, тАЬHow can I be a grownup in this situation?тАЭ
Go, Heather Cox Richardson! Great points, Dianne
I am not at all excited about the 2024 elections but am certainly motivated. Our country is at risk of no longer being a democracy. I agree with the comments of others that every office from our local officials and school board members all the way to President are important. We seem unable to be thoughtful and civil. There are great ideas out there if we could just listen to each other and stop believing the other person is automatically wrong because they don't think as I do. What ever happened to debate and compromise, doing what is best for our fellow man and the nation. We are teaching the next generation that selfishness and hate are ok, and don't get me started on those who teach violence is the way to settle a dispute. I certainly understand the desire to just not participate because neither party is totally aligned with my beliefs and values, however I do not believe we are at a point where a true independent or alternative party could win. I plead with everyone to do your duty as a citizen and really research each candidate before you give them your vote. Vote for those who care about us, our city, state, country and not just themselves and power.
Key phrase: тАЬ. . . If we could just listen to each other. . . тАЬ Thank you for the reminder!
My thoughts, also!
Biden invited Ms. Richardson to the White House and did a one-on-one interview with her, so I think that qualifies as taking advantage of her platform. Yes, would love to see more of that.
Really excellent comment and I think that makes so much sense. Accentuate the positive and work together to defeat the hate and negativity crowd.
Great question. Ms Richardson is my reality touchstone.
She's the female equivalent of RFK Jr. a total nut case
Thank you. I wish we could all be on a mission to change our conversation and energy toward staying laser focused on a system that embraces achievements and advantages of democracy. I am pretty sure Olympic and professional athletes focus on strategies that help them win. How can we embrace the methods of successful athletes, musicians, entrepreneurs, artists, and keep our passions in front of us? Whenever I am tempted to think negatively, I try to remember to ask myself, тАЬWill this line of thinking help me accomplish what I want?тАЭ If I want a nicer looking yard, for example, how will it help my space if I focus on my neighborтАЩs weeds? (This is hypothetical- I have great neighbors.)
That's a great analogy and I will try to incorporate it into my thoughts when they sink low. Thanks.
You make a good point but if your neighbors weeds start encroaching on your yard, then it becomes your problem to deal with. Same goes for protecting our freedoms.
Absolutely, good point also, and I believe one of the best ways to protect our freedom is to use language that focuses on our desired outcome. . .
Thank you for this reminder. We can all do better while we work towards a better future for all.
Agree with all that we need to see and hear more about Democrats. Just fair, honest coverage.
MSM will never give fair coverage to progressive voices. They are too busy trying to outFox Fox News and moving to the right extreme to get corporate donors and clicks
I agree absolutely 100% That is the reason I kept my (YUK) Rep-ub status switched as I switvhed in 22--5) after 50 yrs voting Democratic !!!). I was Glad to vote for Liz in primary- IN TOTAL red Wyoming . I am so horrified with the maggots with support $$$ from T-rump: like Chuck Gray, H.Hag, and the supposedly moderate Supt of Schools who ISNT moderate at all!! but here. I will ALWAYS vote BLUE in Nov: in Aug Rep Primary I can help ,moderate maggot influences & a lot of my Wyo friends feel this way. Idaho was way; when I lived there 17 yrs I lived in a rare BLUE County & had good Dem senator and Reps. when we moved to Wyo in 1984.. we had a great Dem Gov.Ed .Herschler, and reasonable moderate Repub reps, I did vote for them.!!Hard for this Blue girl living in Maga Red Wyo., I was in Id. when Gov Freudenthal & Gov Mead were good moderates. Thank you so much Dan and Elliot!
Every time they open the doors!!
You know that Liz voted party line 93% of the time? She's not the kinder gentler republican. Not by any stretch.
A cartoonist did a cartoon about how the political world has changed and one guy said that he can't believe how our country has changed politically. The other one answered: "Tell me about- I woke up this morning & was upset Liz Cheney LOST her Wyo Senate the primary". I NEVER expected to ever vote or feel that way about Liz,( never ever as a Blue democrat from 1st vote in 72,) I had switched to Republican here in Wyoming when When Trump backed HarI Harri Hagman.( hardly anyone likes and SHE LIES about making anything better for average wyo people) switched from reg repug to support Trump. !!!Hag LIES too much- she was an attorney for land lawsuits in Colorado. I . and I wanted to vote also against Chuck Gray( he lied also when he ran as repug house.ative in Casper and was mine- he passed NO bills of any merit.Trump backed him and he got the Sec of STate position also...he will manipulate any possible benefits to himself-they lost license several yrs since he listed himself as employee of his father's radio station company BUT they had lost that licence several yrs before: and his FATHRER was his ONLY CONTRIBUTOR TO THAT CAMPAIGN!!!!
Agreed. They have completely discredited themselves and hurt all of us.
Well said.
I agree. I see them as 2 parts of the same issue, trump and trumpism. He has not been in office since Jan 2021 but his acolytes in Congress and in states are still taking instructions from him. He is still their template for the future. The тАЬdown ballotтАЭ is important to defeat trump and his influence.
You nailed it. I donтАЩt believe the elections in Florida and Texas are legitimate because the voting mechanisms are controlled by Republican Sec of States. It all starts with the legislatures. Democrats who fail to vote in local and state elections need to get smart.
Agree. All starts at the local and state level.
Stefan, excellent point. May I add that you need to know what the candidates stand for. Several friends voted for George Santos simply because he was on the ballot and they vote a straight ticket. No clue who or what he is.
One of the things I love about Oregon's vote-by-mail system is that we get a thick Voter's Pamphlet a week or more the ballot shows up.
It lists all of the candidates, with a statement, resume, endorsements, and so on.
And for the ballot measures, pro and con arguments and cost statements.
So, there's none of this "show up at the polling place and wonder what all these positions are, much less who the candidates are" stuff.
When I lived in the Los Angeles area, the office of the Registrar of Voters for Los Angeles County also sent out voter guides, though I wish they had been as detailed as Oregon's are; they sound as though they could be a viable model for the rest of the states!
I totally agree. We need to encourage them to return to the slimy rocks they used to live under.
Love Joe. Al Franken your country needs you in DC!
IтАШll go with All
This is not true. Trump wonтАЩt be the nominee. A more polished but just as bad republican will be. Our democracy will suffer.
This is what democrat leaders want you to believe. They say it every election. It doesnтАЩt always work. Think Hillary!
Traveling Texan, you are totally right. We have to not only vote blue but WORK blue. Register voters. Canvass neighborhoods. Speak out at gatherings. Put signs in our yards. Getting involved on a local level with your democratic party is an excellent way to accomplish these things.
Just an honest yard signs REALLY work?
Maybe not for every yard but I live on a well traveled rural road and feel like it makes a difference.
My husband likes to say that the only Democrat that could lose to Trump was Hilary тАЬF****тАЭ Clinton (pardon the French) - so many people absolutely hated her and the fact that the Democratic Party felt that it was тАЬher turnтАЭ that they would vote for absolutely anyone else - and they did! We have a few friends who voted for Trump because of thisтАжin the interest of maintaining friendships, we havenтАЩt actually asked them how they felt about their devilтАЩs deal. In fact, my husband has repeatedly said that he would like to see a Constitutional Amendment barring near family members from holding the Presidency (husband, wife, father, son, daughter, etc). ItтАЩs true that our revolution was fought to prevent hereditary monarchy and тАЬdivine right,тАЭ so maybe it makes sense. I tell him itтАЩll never happen and IтАЩm not sure that it should. However thereтАЩs no denying that Ms Clinton was not a popular or electable candidate.
Secretary Clinton was vilified by republicans for decades & thatтАЩs the main reason some people didnтАЩt like her. I hope voters have learned to reject
republican character assassinations since they have little to no basis in facts. Most character assassinations are a manipulation that appeals to
peoplesтАЩ emotions.
And so she was the one who lost between Dem presidents. As you say, not electable. Sad for many reasons - not the least being she was eminently better qualified.
Aside from other issues like decades of conspiracy theories intended to destroy the Clintons тАж HRC was not a тАШnaturalтАЩ candidate. It was unwise to call any group of people (particularly ones who vote) тАШdeplorable.тАЩ It was made for memes moment as was donnieтАЩs тАШnastyтАЩ women stuff. But you just donтАЩt carry states where people feel forgotten by saying your administration will close down their employers and finish off their industry. Then talk about how this will work out well for everyone. (The ears had closed. TheyтАЩve heard the job training thing before.)
The тАШformulaтАЩ is - uplifting opening, with the good news. X number of jobs are in the plan, etc. The less happy news (the energy market is shifting you workers must be quipped to keep up) And close on a positive note: we will have your back; this is doable, then on to the next issue or questions.
I believe this is an area where the Dems have improved.
But Hillary actually did win the popular vote, so she was electable and elected!
I suppose thatтАЩs one way to look at it. Unfortunately there is that pesky Electoral College Act that means a close popular vote does not automatically open the door to the White House.
donnie gotti and helpers were totally focused on the EC. He had 304 electoral votes to her 227. She needed more votes from people who felt she didnтАЩt care & were afraid of her policies.
In NY she had won a Senate seat. Rudy is still probably peeved about having to drop out of the primary.
Too bad truth doesnтАЩt work.
I agree that is too bad. But itтАЩs also a fact that insulting voters brings backlash & no one gets votes from people who a candidate announces policies that will devastate them & and then burying the rest in a long explanation. Who does that? I donтАЩt know why it happened; I do know you lead with the GOOD news - the jobs that will come and what happens if the US does not lead. Then this will provide the transitions workers need etc.
Not right off the bat take credit for planning to eliminate their jobs. I found it baffling. What is said in OH does not stay in OH. It is the kind of thing that tells people an administration will trample them & leave them behind. Especially because Obama was already getting blamed for the decline of the industry.
The election was a huge missed opportunity. I donтАЩt know when we will see another.
You make an excellent point. I have her book about her take on her campaign. I need to read it. Her clumsiness combined with the years of demonization by the GOP and electoral college strategy gave us trump. We were out-foxed. However, itтАЩs important to remember that Clinton won the popular vote in spite of all that.
When Gore won the popular vote & lost the election I think people figured it was an anomaly. Probably the biggest thing HRC winning the popular vote did was show it is possible for a woman to run, be taken seriously and a woman could win тАж but not likely in my lifetime.
IтАЩve not read her book. From reviews, I believe she acknowledged missteps including the comments re: coal miners.
She was the most qualified candidate ever in the history of our country. I can't stand when women perpetuate misogyny.
I agree. How different things would now be if the popular vote counted!
We need to do away with the antiquated EC
I already stated she was eminently more qualified. That doesnтАЩt change the result. Nor is it misogynistic to point out she needed the EC majority to be elected.
My guess is you didnтАЩt try to garner support for her in the Southeast from people who previously voted for her husband but were personally offended and downright angry & frightened because of the way she announced that an HRC administration would eliminate the industry supporting their communities and with its demise, eliminate their jobs.
It was an avoidable error. It was unfortunate she did not show her most personable side until late in the campaign. Even more unfortunate was her 1996 comment while campaigning for her husband where she talked about тАЬsuper predatorsтАЭ. Not only has that haunted her but it has been incorrectly pinned on Biden.
RudyтАЩs campaign was about to dissolve only because RudyтАЩs personal life imploded in public & he withdrew citing cancer treatment leaving the party 11 days to find someone else. The week before, unreported at the time polling, had dire warnings for Clinton from key voting groups:
41.3% of Jewish voters, 52.7% of whites and 55.9% of suburban voters would not back her under any circumstances.
As for misogyny, save the label for people who would not vote for her because she was a woman & some of her campaignsтАЩ approaches; initially giving males who had been with the ClintonтАЩs since BillтАЩs campaigns the upper hand. Including Mark Penn who was her chief strategist in her Senate and 2008 campaign. I specifically remember watching on live television when MP with a group of men representing her candidacy tried to get a rule change by browbeating and talking over the chairwoman. It was such a bad episode that I donтАЩt even remember the result or the topic. I probably had my fill and changed the channel. Adding more women and younger people was one of her better moves the 2nd time around.
Let me say, The enemy will always try to turn your savior (for lack of a better word right now) into the enemy! Hillary was a great public servant, not to mention brilliant as Hell! She was highly-qualified and dedicated to root out some of the republican corruption, and their trampling all over the constitution! But, so many people were fooled by a fool and a con! As a result, the USA has lost it's reverence in the eye of most other countries, and is in turmoil within!
Unless and Until Americans; especially the majority American, wakes up to the truth, that American must right the wrongs of its past within its own borders, it will continue in the downward spiral it's currently experiencing! And, that's the truth!!
Your husband is probably a nice guy, but I disagree with him about his solutions.
I liked Ms Clinton a lot. The gop demonized her and it worked. Your friends who voted for trump because they didnтАЩt like Clinton was exactly what the gop wanted them to do. So sorry your friends were deluded.
Those are not friends
If she had shown womanly courage instead of political ambition she might still be in the White House. She misjudged the effect staying with her philandering mate had on the electorate and we are all still paying the price.
But why is Sec. ClintonтАЩs decision to stay with her husband any of our business? President Clinton was a good president. His personal foibles are nothing,
I repeat, NOTHING even close to TrumpтАЩs.
No one gives a flying fig about that. Let me guess you're a white man.
I do. I'm also a man before white.
Maybe. I didnтАЩt care about her staying married to a man who couldnтАЩt keep his fly zipped. So they elected a man who canтАЩt keep his hands to himself. No logic.
That was said in 2015 too. He WAS the candidate.
I didnтАЩt think there was a snowballтАЩs chance in hell that TFG would win in 2016 - but look what happened. His cultists donтАЩt care that he has been impeached or indicted and they will vote for him even if he is convicted and in prison. This country needs to change the rules for who can run for president, especially to assure that nobody with trumpтАЩs тАЬcredentialsтАЭ will ever be allowed in any public office again.
I am really intrigued by the interest in disqualifying TFG on the basis of the 14th amendment. Seems like a no-brainer
There are very few no brainers under the law. John Eastman, a so-called law professor, demonstrated that anything and everything is possible when a demented legal mind is involved in attempting to justify anything lawyers are paid to attempt to justify.
Great word Play!!
I heard Preet Berara talk about this on his podcast the other day. HeтАЩs convinced itтАЩs a non-starter, just like the 25th Amendmemy talk when T**** was still in office. We have to vote him out and encourage others to do so.
The problem is that people don't want to admit they're wrong. You can give hundreds of facts, show tons of videos of Trump saying he lost, but people won't listen.
I heard on a news opinion that because the 14th amendment is so old and never really used, it would be difficult to get it used in court as a way to deny Trump of running.
Does anyone really understand the details of how this amendment can be used? I've heard and read numerous 'constitutional scholars' talk about it, and explain it ad nauseam, and not one has listed the steps, item by item, in plain english, required to actually utilize this amendment to prevent trump from running. From what I can tell it is 'pie in the sky' wishful thinking. If it was that easy don't you think they would be preparing it instead of talking about it? Rally the votes and do it now...or live with chaos until he croaks...and then live with his wannabes.
I want to know who is TFG, I thought it was DJT?
I had the same question, Ray. But then I remembered that TFG stands for "The Former Guy".
That Freaking Guy?
Thanks! I was wondering the same thing!
The Former Guy
Steve - As I mentioned above, there's some scholarship being done on that.
I'm not too optimistic, but stranger things have happened (such as TFG's win in the first place).
Disqualification has to be state by state, so initiating that process will add fuel to the already raging fire of тАЬelection interference.тАЭ Chitoman and his down ballot maggots need to be on every ballot and be royally trounced. That will start to get us on a rational track. DonтАЩt just vote. Participate in working for great local candidates, especially in-person canvassing. It works.
Steve, it should be but too many States are afraid to invoke the Constitution, makes you wonder if they meant their sworn oaths.
Thank you. He broke all the norms right from the beginning. I couldnтАЩt believe that the few norms were not codified. I guess it was never needed because candidates were willing to do those few things like provide income. The founding fathers never imagined trump.
My mother, who said that If she died it was because of trump, was surprised like you that so many things she thought were law were just traditions that trump broke. She died of a massive heart attack in October 2018. TrumpтАЩs fault according to her.
According to me, too. As far as I'm concerned that craven criminal has ruined the last 8 years of my life. It's a struggle to hope for better when we see corruption at every turn. Vote blue, right down the ballot. Make sure people are able to get to the polls, or to receive mail-in ballots. If people are standing for hours in the hot sun, bring them water. In the rain, bring them umbrellas. No-one is coming to rescue us. We have to do it for ourselves.
IтАЩm not sure about that. They were aware of some pretty arrogant, violent, and ignorant rulers. Remember the divine right of kings?
There is a law already, the 14 amendment but the media doesn't push that on the news. Maybe people like the garbage that comes out of trump and his supporters.
I am convinced there is an appetite for this. Think about reality tv. People used to bring picnic lunches to watch hangings in England and lynchings in the US.
The Constitution already spells out the credentials.
Fair but he also wasnтАЩt facing 4 criminal indictments and hadnтАЩt had a failed coup, two impeachments, a public fight with both Fox News and the rnc, a disastrous economic records, etc. they didnтАЩt know him in 2015. He has a record now.
And Vivek (BS-ing) suggesting he was the best president in the last 20 years! And NO ONE seems to ask the glaringly appropriate question: тАЬIn what way was he a great president? Give me three examples.тАЭ
He wasnтАЩt a great president for anyone but the wealthy,the paranoid , and those who want to identify with a really big show.
He had a record back then of stiffing it to workers and cheating on his wives. There was never anything secret about this creep. The Republicans were desperate to win at any cost and Putin was only to happy to help them out with disinformation, slander, and lies.
I'm not sure I agree with that. He's so far ahead in the polls and while the election is so far off, each time he's indicted, his popularity and fund raising seems to grow even higher, pulling in millions of dollars.
I don't get it. I don't understand how someone who makes Nixon's Watergate look like kindergarten antics is so popular and gains popularity as time goes on.
Maggie Haberman's book "Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America" should be required reading by every American.
Only idiots reward someone who flies privately on a 737 with more money.
There's a lot of idiots out there!!! :-)
It's offense than they get to breathe the same air
And Trump has taken in over $7 million from his supporters since he got his mug shot!
Yes...I read that! It boggles the mind!
He is popular- WITH HIS BASE. Unfortunately for the desires of corporate media, that is nowhere near half the country, no matter how much they want it to be (so EXCITING!!! PERFECT clickbait!!!).
It is, as always, down to whose voters turn out.
Not if we vote
Yes, Stopping Trump is key to preserving our democracy!
It's not that simple. If Trump is convicted, you would still have the same ideology of thinking by the mega Republican party and the Republican candidates. People must be well informed about the issues in this country. We must also address racism which has mimniputed people
into fear of not having their own country. This alone is ludicrous thinking because this country belongs to all of us.
Good points, Patricia, but after this summer I think Global Warming is very high on the list of normally intelligent people (which, unfortunately leave out the MAGA cult)
Fay , I definitely agree.
Racism is a factor in some voters' decisions (usually negative, but sometimes redounding to become a positive factor). It's only one factor, however. Geographic locality also plays a role in choosing a Vice President for "balance" on the ticket. That said, the Republicans are not stupid, and they recognize that Harris's race could be a positive for the minority vote, so now we have the counter of Ramaswamy and Nikki. A large block of demonstrators were outside the Georgia "surrender" media circus; they were all wearing "Blacks for Trump" t-shirts. Whenever I see large numbers of ethnic or racial voters doing that, I believe it increases divisiveness, lessens us as "We, the People." I just wish the media had chosen to interview one of the Georgia spectators with the question of "Why" are you for Trump; what has he done to improve your group's lot in life?"
And the media will continue to cover his every move, rather than covering BidenтАЩs accomplishments.
Very frustrating and destructive.
It really is.
This first, everything else mentioned in the article must follow. We need to find some way to bridge the division created DELIBERATELY by the last president.
Bridge to 65% of independents & maybe 20% of Republicans, best we can hope fore but doable
Yes, I believe it is better to bring energy to what is doable than the 50% of 25% who are baked in and decide the GOP primaries.
I totally agree!
May God hear us and the devil play deaf!
And stopping the GOP
This says it all.
OK, my commit got buried,, shorter here to me and the day I came up with,
My Name is NoBody, (1vs160) was after hearing Ted Cruz. Saying after 60+ Cases.
Ted, " I am here to fight for your Constitution and Freedom" BS. When or adding too then Texas AG, now impeached. Going for another case, on 1800`s law or clause. To send back to the State, Congress to do the picking- vote.
ME important part here, we lost or one party lost on, Our, 3-Branch System of check and balance.
This system breaks we break.
NOTE: why, We after 2003 from I heard from Congress first and then and again by Bush on passing the Patriot Act. "The Constitution just an old piece of paper". You know, they Impeached themselves, right then and there. We have too many bought into this thought. The constitution is outdated and needs to be replaced. This to me is Our Battle.
My Name is NoBody, (1vs160)
You are a gentleman or lady, and a scholar!
CouldnтАЩt agree!
Everyone should be aware of this!
...and FOR himself, always.
oh so true!