It’s a safe bet that many of you lived the last four years trying to forget the previous four. But in less than 24 hours, all the vitriol, narcissism, hate, anger, and retribution that many believed would be vanquished from our politics and our lives have returned with a vengeance. And with new dangers for the country.
You may not have loved Joe Biden, but he didn’t raise our collective heart rates. And I’ll bet you slept better under his watch too.
The new president and his loyalists have had weeks, really years, to devise the nightmare laundry list of the hundreds of executive orders they’ve unleashed. Their purpose is twofold: make the MAGA base happy and discourage everyone else.
I call it the “firehose effect.” It’s designed to overwhelm, thus lessening the impact of every far-right agenda item. The idea is that by swamping us, we won’t be able to keep up, and so we stop trying.
Is anyone surprised by what Trump has done in his first 48 hours in office? No. Many Americans are disappointed, yes, but not surprised. One minute he’s withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement and the World Health Organization. Then denying birth-right citizenship and pardoning hundreds of violent criminals. While the country suspected it was coming, it is all too much to take in and carefully process.
Sound advice under the circumstances is simple: don’t try. Not all of it. If you can, take a deep breath. Now, another. We all need to find a balance between trying to know everything and ignoring all of it.
To that end, read those publications you trust, watch and listen to radio and television outlets that are still reporting the news. Tune out the news organizations that are giving Trump “a chance.”
So many people are disheartened by the broadcast media, much of which appears to have been tamed by Trump. This is not the same group of journalists who held him accountable for January 6, 2021. Perhaps pressured by corporate overlords, many anchors and reporters seemed subdued on Inauguration Day and the days since.
So, consider what Trump is doing and never forget it. Ever. Timidity is not a tactic for this situation. Pay attention, take notes. Help those most affected by our new leader’s selfish actions. At the same time, make sure to keep your mental health front of mind.
The American Psychological Association has released its annual Stress in America survey, in which a large majority of respondents said the future of the nation is a significant source of stress in their lives. This feeling doesn’t discriminate based on party affiliation.
Eighty percent of Republicans rated it a top stressor, as did 79% of Democrats and 73% of independents. The survey also reported that 46% of Americans wouldn’t date someone who didn’t share their political views. And the saddest finding: More than 40% say the state of the nation has made them consider moving to a different country. But most of us are going to stay and do what we can to ensure a better tomorrow.
Giving up on America is not part of our national character. It never has been. Ever.
A friend sent me this quote, a thought toward keeping chins up. It’s from writer Rebecca Solnit.
“There is no alternative to persevering, and that does not require you to feel good. You can keep walking whether it’s sunny or raining. Take care of yourself and remember that taking care of something else is an important part of taking care of yourself, because you are interwoven with the ten trillion things in this single garment of destiny that has been stained and torn, but is still being woven and mended and washed.”
The dreams of our forefathers and mothers and our collective wills are being tested, strained, and torn. But they can withstand this test and be mended. Please keep in mind that four years of our 250-year history is just 1.6%. What’s happening now will not break our great historical commitment to freedom and democracy. But the only way to the other side of where we are right now is through. We will get through together.
So be of hope and optimism.
And, hold steady.
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Thank you for the moment of sanity.
I will never not be frustrated by the number, a growing number, of people who clearly did not read Project 2025. None of the last couple of days should be a surprise.
Oh, and if Republican Senators want to send Bishop Budde back to where she came from...New Jersey would be happy to have her back.
I’ll say it again and again..THANK YOU for your wise words, Mr Rather!