If ever there were a time we needed steadiness, it is now.
The situation developing in Russia is as dangerous as it is volatile. There is no predicting where it might go. What we can now say with more confidence is that Vladimir Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine was a blunder of historic proportions. It could cost him his power and possibly his life. It has left his nation weaker, more divided, and a pariah on the world stage.
Putin has unleashed stunning pain and tragedy. They have been borne primarily by the Ukrainians, who have shown uncommon courage and resoluteness. Thankfully, the Biden administration and our allies seem to have handled the crisis smartly, with restraint and strength. We should all desperately hope such instincts continue.
What a contrast it is to the previous administration and its chorus of online cheerleaders who eagerly parroted Putin’s propaganda. Trump’s appeasement was always self-serving and never in the interests of the United States or anyone who believes in freedom, democracy, or peace. Hopefully, one day we will learn what Trump said to — or even promised — Putin when they met without aides in Helsinki.
The world is a complicated and often threatening place. History might fit into tidy chapters in textbooks, but in reality it jumps in fits and starts. It can pivot on a person or a moment. What was once taken as certainty can be shattered in an instant. We are living through one of those junctures. It is fraught. It is consequential. And it could reverberate for decades.
As we follow the news, we may want to keep in mind that much of what we initially hear will prove to be incorrect. This is no time for jumping to conclusions. Circumstances can change rapidly. And it is not clear when or how this will end.
Putin wanted to remake Russia as a fearsome counterpoint to the United States. He bet he could build a modern-day empire through fear, corruption, and meddling in the affairs of other nations. He was always a dangerous despot. And he might still endure. But his hubris reminds us that there are times aggressive behavior must be met with strength and determination, and also with intelligence and … well, steadiness. We must not sell out our noblest values. And there are times we must try to be a force of stability in a world that too often is prone to chaos.
Future generations will one day look back at this time and consider the stark contrasts between two American presidents and their different approaches to perilous geopolitical forces at home and abroad. And they will also look back at the legacy of Putin. But for us, in the here and now, we are left to watch and wonder what might happen in the hours, days, and weeks ahead. It’s a story whose ending will shape our future in ways that are unknowable but certain to be profound.
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Another day where I wake up so grateful for a President who is wise and steady. I don’t even want to think what would happen if the former guy were in charge right now.
This war is anything but organic. Instead, the war is the crescendo of the NWO dialectic as it will manifest gargantuan systemic problems demanding systemic foundational solutions.
The conflict will decimate what remains of our supply chains at their most basic level, wreaking absolute havoc. Currencies - already on their last legs - will be deliberately hyper-inflated away all over the globe in order to pay for it. Our lives will be intentionally and irrevocably flipped upside-down.
Everyone will be demanding something be done and the pre-planned solutions will be one-world-government and CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies). These CBDCs will link with your social credit score, vaccine status, and carbon footprint in order to determine your eligibility - in real time - to participate or not participate in the economy.
The globablists' have successfully utilized the Red vs Blue, East vs West, Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed, Boy vs Girl dichotomies to exploit our innate tribal nature, and in doing so are dividing and conquering us. This 'us-vs-them' separation makes us easy to control and direct with simple angry thoughts about “the enemy” who isn’t really our enemy - while blinding us to the actual enemy behind the curtain pulling the puppet strings. If we could collectively recognize this for what it is the NWO wouldn’t stand a chance.
Our adversaries know this, which is why they've been fighting tooth and nail to poison the wells we share of comradery, fellowship, and family—they've been doing anything and everything they can to decimate the ties that bind us together and to destroy every trace of common ground and brotherhood between us.
Most people will not act to secure their future, so long as they feel they have an advocate fighting for them in the public or political arenas. This is why Republican vs Democrat equals divide and conquer. The human mind is binary. Our thought process can often be boiled down into terms (often ultimatums) of – this or that – and our adversaries understand - very well - the art of this war.
They know that politicization is so effective at manipulating us because most emotionally connect their personal belief system to the belief system of their political party, and so then any attack on their party – legitimate or otherwise – is interpreted by their brain as an attack on themselves. Reason and logic then jump out the nearest window as raw emotion takes the helm, thus making them even more susceptible to the predatory controlling influences.
These forces we are up against cannot be overcome if we keep allowing them to divide and conquer us. We must let go of our pride and our resentments for one another - which were instilled in us through their media operations - and unite together or we stand no chance.
United we will stand, divided we will fall, our adversaries know this which is why we are being mercilessly divided.